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Recipe of The Week.


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Each week i will list a new recipe that you can try out at home for your grey.I would like members to PM me their favorite bird recipes ,i will then pick one to list.That member will get full recognition that they submitted the recipe with the added bonus of karma for taking the time to participate .Hopefully over time we can build up this thread & have our own Greyforum cook book.


so i'll get you going for this week & please if you do manage the time to make the recipe let us all know if your grey enjoyed it ;)


Recipe 1 - Baked Potato Treat.


1 washed medium size potato

Some chopped cooked broccoli

1tsp grated cheddar cheese

natural apple/orange juice to add a little moisture


Bake the potato in the oven until cooked

Scoop out the potato & mash well

Mash in the grated cheese & broccoli

Add a few teaspoons of juice to moisten

Put the mix back in to the skin

cut in to quarters & serve warm.

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This is a great idea! Will try this one out and see what Charlie thinks. If we all get together on this one we could have some interesting and healthy meals for our greys. Thanks Tracy will get my thinking head on for this one. Or should I call you Gordon? :)

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Sorry Penny but Tracy does not love to cook, she just likes to feed her birds well, oh no I let the cat out of the bag, sorry Tracy maybe you wanted everyone to think you were a great cook. You can take a joke can't cha, please:blush: :whistle: :laugh: :P B)

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Thank you Siobha9 for taking the time to PM me our next recipe :)


Mixed Bean casserole...


Selection of mixed beans including aduki, haricot, black eyed, kidney beans.

Chick peas

Lentils (green and red).

Brown rice.


(Store these dry ingredients ready mixed in an airtight container to speed up preparation time)



1. Soak a handful of dry mixture per bird over night.

2. Rinse well

3. Boil for 20 minutes

4. Drain and mix in 1 tsp per bird of tomato puree

5. Allow to cool and serve.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/04/14 23:55

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You are welcome ;)


I forgot to let you guys know that I did try the potato dish sort of. I used boiled potatoes instead of baked, and broccoli that we were having for dinner. I added the apple juice and cheese. Oisin was afraid of it - no surprises there. Liath loved it and so did Beaker the caique.

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I'm kind of giggling at the whole recipe thing. That is far more effort than I even put in feeding myself! lol My husband works a different shift, and my son gets fed by the baby sitter...dinner for me is quite frequently a bowl of cereal.

I do make oatmeal just for Klaus, though...I consider that a huge effort! :laugh:

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Yes, I am definitely with you on this one. Thats why anything I cook for them is super fast. Even the bean casserole! I keep the dry ingredients in a tupperware container, decant a little the night before, and boil it up the next day. Only takes about 10 seconds of my time! And traceys Baked potato one I incorporated into our usual evening meal. The only extra work was adding the juice and cheese :)


Anything I make for them that does require time, I make big batches of and freeze it.

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Well your be pleased to know i have another one for you :laugh:


Thanks to bondsmom for sending this one to me :)


Here is a really great recipe for Bird treats...I made it and my baby loves them...



Homemade Bird Treats


2 cups crushed cheerios (or shreddies if you don't have cherrios)

2 cups crushed pellets

2 cups assorted seeds

1 1/4 cup honey


Stir til mixture is wet throughout but not soggy. Maybe a little more or a little less honey. Pour onto cookie sheet and spread out. Bake 225 for 40 to 45 minutes depending on where you live."


I added some dried fruit to mine and after I baked it I let it cool and broke it up into pieces and stored in an air tight container...


Hope everyone likes it...



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Next recipe, Thanks to Judygram for this one :)




½ cup quinoa

1 cup water

1 cup yams, sweet potatoes or carrots

Fresh corn kernels from one ear of corn or ½ cup frozen corn

½ cup grated broccoli or other finely chopped dark green leafy vegetable

¼ cup Brazil nuts

¼ cup unhulled sesame seed

¼ cup canary seed mix (optional)

2 tsps Udo’s oil blend or red palm oil


Bring water to a boil and add the quinoa. After mixture has come to boil again, cover and turn heat to medium-low. Cook for 5 minutes, then add carrots and/or yams. Cover again and cook for another 10 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed. Turn into a bowl and mix with the other ingredients. Serve warm (no hotter than 110 degrees) or at room temperature. Feel free to experiment with this recipe. You can almost any combination of fruits and vegetables. Cut into squares and freeze as desired. Most parrots love this recipe, it’s not just for African greys.

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