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Avian Vet Advice


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Hi Everyone


I have made an appointment for Shani to go to the vet on Monday for her first wellness check.


There is one thing that i am concerned about and that is that the only avian specialist i could find in my area says that she gives the bird a mild anesthetic (injection) before she will look at them.


Is this normal? I thought i would ask because i have a really bad feeling about it. I didn't like the idea at all and tried to find someone else but i keep being referred to this vet as the "specialist"




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:ohmy: I would say no & question as to why she wants to administer an anesthetic ? It really is not necessary for a check up, Any form of anesthetic carries risk's.I personally would not anaesthetise any of my grey's unless it was absolutely vital to their health.Please ask questions before you see this vet.

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I was given the explanation that the bird becomes calmer when handled and she says she does this with all the birds she handles.


She will be clipping her toe nails and other wing (only one was clipped when we got her and she is off balance and flies into the wall). But i haven't read anything about a bird needing anesthetic for a clip either, so i thought i better check with you guys.

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Well personally i wouldn't allow mine to have an anesthetic & it sounds to me if she does this with all the birds she handles ,she is doing it for her benefit & for ease of handling the birds. Yes she may have to do it with certain un-handleable/wild birds but i dont agree with it for clipping & toenail trims.Im sure members will express their personal views on the situation.The view i express is just my own opinion :)

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I know our vet said to us when we made the appointment about the possibility of having to give the bird a mild anesthetic, but she would wait and meet our grey before she made the decision. Anyway we got there and she was able to handle him with no problems (she has a Macaw herself so is experienced), so we didn't have to do the anesthetic.


Maybe you can ask your vet to meet the bird before he/she makes up their mind about the anesthetic.

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Giving a sedative to calm your Parrot down before even seeing how it reacts to a situation is rather alarming practice.


Unless the Avian vet is planning on drawing blood from an artery, it should not be necessary at all.


I would ask, as others mentioned to only use it if absolutely neccesary.


Keep us posted on this and how it turns out. :-)

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Hi Lupa, Kenya is going for his first check-up with me on Saturday. So far the Vet has not even mentioned this at all. However, I'll let you know if my vet does/doesn't do this so you can know a couple of days before your appointment, k?

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Cleo had her first check up today :)

she was such a good girl did not want to get off my shoulder tho.

we had to put her upside down to check beak and feet and she bit me right in the arm pit haha [bet that stank]

i was so proud of her she was all good ad healthy.

We didnt give cleo any sedatives or anything?? can't think why the vet would want to unless they just can't be bothered with a defiant bird?

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Nikko's vet didn't give her an anesthetic. He didn't even towel her. When he took a blood sample from her neck, he rubbed the skin with something that numbed it, and she didn't even flinch when the needle pricked her. Like the others, I'd be a bit concerned with a vet that automatically anesthetizes every bird.


Also, Nikko's vet is an Avian and Exotics vet. He isn't board certified though, although I believe he is studying for the test. I know some people only want a certified avian vet, but it's worth looking at those who aren't. My vet came highly recommended from another grey owner, plus he's the vet for the Oasis bird sanctuary. That was enough for me to give him a try, and I was glad I did. There is a certified vet that it much closer, but I heard negative things about her. I talked to one of her vet techs at a bird fair, and was really turned off (they were naggy and negative and didn't listen).

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Thanks guys for all your responses... I am going to ask her not to use any drugs unless Shani becomes impossible.


But I will keep everyone posted on how it goes, the trip is tomorrow. :unsure:

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I know of someone else who had this same issue. She asked the vet not to give Percy anything. The vet said he would not handle him unless. She told the vet there was no reason as he was a very well behaved bird, and what did she need to see on Percy. She simply had to lift Percy's wings in order to allow him to listen to the heart on either side. She had to keep Percy on the scale without affecting his weight. The only difficult part for her was having to turn the bird "bottoms up" for the vet to take a feces sample. I don't know how well you are able to handle your bird but you might try a few of these just in case. I agree with everyone else, I won't let them give my baby anything. GOOD LUCK! :dry:

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I went to the Vet for Kenya's first check-up. There was no mention of an anesthetic at all. They did towel him as they also trimmed the nails and toke some feathers for sexing. They said he was a very healthy bird and no real problems (although he did bite the Vet very hard but she said she barely notices anymore because she deals with so many birds).

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kllorio wrote:

I know of someone else who had this same issue. She asked the vet not to give Percy anything. The vet said he would not handle him unless. She told the vet there was no reason as he was a very well behaved bird, and what did she need to see on Percy. She simply had to lift Percy's wings in order to allow him to listen to the heart on either side. She had to keep Percy on the scale without affecting his weight. The only difficult part for her was having to turn the bird "bottoms up" for the vet to take a feces sample. I don't know how well you are able to handle your bird but you might try a few of these just in case. I agree with everyone else, I won't let them give my baby anything. GOOD LUCK! :dry:


When Nikko's vet listened to her heart, he sat down, held Nikko against his chest with one hand, and put the stethoscope against her with the other hand. I guess some vets are just more confident in handling birds. However, you would think they all would be that way after handling so many birds in their lifetime :dry:.

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News Update!


I refused to go to the first vet, when i called her today she told me that she wont under any circumstances handle any bird without anesthetic! And she was the avian specialist.


But i found someone else this afternoon, who actually owns birds of his own .:thanks to alot of luck and the advice from you guys:.


Shani went for her first vet trip. This vet knew exactly what he was doing and it was all over in minutes. She is now properly clipped and she even got a pedicure, but she is not to impressed with me. But i know she will get over it. She is officially very healthy :)


Im so glad i looked into it a little more before just going to the "Specialist"

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Yes she will Lupa and good for you for finding another vet, the "avian specialist" evidently couldn't handle the birds unless they were anesthetized and that is pure bulls**t, she should have went into another field of veterinary medicine if she feels that way.:angry:


Glad to hear that Shani has a clean bill of health.:)

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Guest Skuffy

{Nature-00020095}Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ive found a Vet not very far from me aswell...The Pet-shop Vet gave me a number to ring...So ive just rang it and Registerd Max, and booked him in tomorrow at 4;40pm for his wellness check-up......

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Guest Skuffy

Am going to see if i can get him snug in a towel later...:pinch: as i think am going to have to hold him..

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Guest Skuffy

Arhhhhhhhh!!!!! 2hs 10mins and counting...Vet Day today{Nature-00020095}



Am so worried about putting him in his flight cage,i don't think he'll just walk in, so am going to have to towel him :S I don't want to spook him,coz he might be a bugger in the vet's...Got my fingers crossed..


{Nature-00020095} I don't know why hes worried..I'll be ok...

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