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When I decided I wanted to get a parrot 17 yrs. ago I did a lot of research. First I thought a Macaw! Then as I learned I realized a Macaw was not for us. We had 6 small children and the phrase, "can snap a broomstick with their beak", stopped me cold! As I read more I realized what amazed me the most about the big parrots was their intelligence. I read that the African Grey was the best of all the talking birds. I decided a Grey was what I wanted to get. I spent close to a year learning about birds, reading, visiting breeders and talking to bird owners. I found a breeder an hour away and reserved an egg. I decided to hand raise my baby because I was a stay at home mom so I had the time and our house was very busy, 6 little kids and my husband was a drummer! We also had several dogs and cats. I got my little ball of fluff just about a year after I started my search. He was so cute and so scary! Such a tiny baby! So much responsibility! I had hand raised many different kinds of animals including wild birds so I wasn't a total stranger to the task. It was a much longer process than the wild things - 4 months! Then my baby was weaned and growing! First he whistled, then he talked! He had a huge vocabulary and very varied! He made puppy sounds and pot bellied pig sounds and kitty sounds and screaming Michael sounds. He did the phone, the garbage truck, the squeaking cupboard, the snoring of my bro in law, the morning smokers cough of my sister in law! He was amazing. Whats more was that he would use the words correctly! When you dropped something he'd say" you ok? What ya do?" He knew the kids by their names, he would address my son, " What ya doin' Michael?" When someone dropped food on the floor or if he dropped food on the floor he'd say ,"Here dogs!", and whistle! He was an amazing wonderful being and our lives were so enriched by his person. I had Kooks for almost 17 yrs. I never imagined life without him. One month ago I got up for work at 2 a.m. I said Good Morning to him and he did not respond. He was dead in his cage. I don't know what happened. He had always been very healthy. Never plucked a feather, never was sick ever. The only thing I have come up with after doing a bunch of reading is the possibility that it may have been the plug in air fresheners I bought. I have always been very careful but when I got my bird there was no such thing. They said pet safe and I just didn't think - they are not an arosoel. It's all I can figure though because I had started using them in the house and a few weeks before he died I put one under where his cage stand was because the cat box was under there and I thought it would be safe. I feel so terrible you cannot imagine. He was my pal and my friend. He was older than my youngest son and the rest of my kids he has seen grow up. We miss him so terribly. At first I thought I will not get another grey, I just can't. After one night in this house I was going crazy. You don't realize how much you interact with your parrot until they are gone. I found a breeder in Milwaulkee and they had one baby left. He/she will be ready to go the first week of May. They did DNA sexing so I will actually know what this bird is. Kookers was actually a girl but we thought he was a boy for 5 yrs. until he fell in love with my oldest son, started regurgitating food for him, preening him and then laid eggs in our cupboard and wouldn't let anyone else near him except James! James could do anything with that bird! We still called Kookers "him" just because it seemed weird to call him "her"! I had built Kooks a cage 3ft. square. I dismantled it last week. I took the stand we made apart and stored it in the shed. The ground is still frozen but when it thaws I will bury him with all our other beloved pets and I will bury all his favorite toys as well except for the swing and the bell. I will pass those on to our new baby. Everything else for the new baby will be new. I ordered him a new cage - a bigger one 48"x36"x72". It is a playtop and I ordered him and bought him all new toys. I know he is not Kooks and I wanted to make a fresh start. Like I said I will pass on to him my old friends swing and bell. Kooks loved to ring that bell and then scratch his head asking for a scritch. He would swing and whistle and fight with his bell. I hope our new baby will enjoy them as much. I just wanted to say goodbye to my old friend. I haven't really talked about it much - no one at work really understands - none of them have birds and they think I'm crazy to spend that much money! They have no idea what they are missing. Goodbye Kooks - You were my best bud and I will miss you forever - walk with the wind my friend until one day we meet again.

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Hi lg17 what a very moving story about kooks.We fully understand how you feel being grey lovers ourselves.I hope by writing all that down in someway has managed to comfort you a little.

Please do introduce yourself in our welcome room & tell us all about your new baby ;)

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Oh that is so sad. :( :( :(


Too sad for me to be able to say something comforting, except m-a-y-b-e that at least she didn't suffer :(

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I am so sorry about Kooker, such a moving story . I had tears as I read it and it reminded me of the morning I gently said Good Morning to our Grey ,Smokey , he did not respond . He had died from a toy accident in the middle of the night . We have a new Grey now , Sammy . It has really helped us with this new guy in the house . He is the love of our life . It will get better when the new Grey comes home . Just remember Kooker is at the Rainbow Bridge and you will see her again . Someone asked me one time , "do you think animals go to Heaven " , after much thought , I think they do , because God built an ark for all those animals , Noah only needed a boat .You gave Kooker your best , find comfort in the memories.

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I totally agree with you - I think animals have a lot better chance of getting into heaven than probably most people. I think all creatures move on and animals don't have the crappy type of baggage that people do! They just are what they are and they are totally honest about it. Although greys can be pretty sneaky at times! I am really looking forward to the arrival of our new baby. The breeder had them DNA sexed so I should find out soon if I have a girl or boy. That will be kind of nice to know right away what he/she is! Thanks for your thoughts!

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I am excited for you also , getting the new Grey will help so much as our Sammy has helped us . You love them so much and they love back . They are like little people . Everyone needs to understand the more you give the more they give back . They are such an awesome part of our lives . I wanted an older one , I knew there was one out there that needed me , it took a year but he came and I adore him already . A new baby is exciting , Congrats .

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  • 5 months later...

To Kookers Mom, I an new to this forum and tonight i decided to read your story, it brought tears and tears to my eyes, I was so hart broken that the people at work could not understand why all of a sudden I was in tears. I am so sorry for your lost and just wish you all the best with the new baby. i do not have words ........... but my baby is 10 months old and i love him/her so much I will totally go crazy :(

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