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my grey keeps on crash landing


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Hi All


I have a 1 year old grey called Sam. (She is the love of my life!)


But i have a problem. Every now and then she will suddenly just have the urge to fly away from me and crash lands somewhere on the floor. Months will pass that she does not do that. Then suddenly she will do it again.


She has hurt herself before and it took very long for the sore to heal. And now when she is crashing it opens up again.


What can i do?





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Hi Elizcas ,

Are Sam's wings clipped ? An incorrect clip can lead to them crash landing on the floor.Is something perhaps startling her ? It seems strange it is every few months, Did she damage her keel bone ? A little more inforamtion if possible would help.

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Sounds like Sam had a bad wing clipping job for she should not be crash landing and hurting herself. Why don't you give us a little more info so we can be of some more help to you?


Then you can introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and Sam.:)

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Good Morning All


Thank you for the quick reply. Yes her wings have been clipped by an avian vetenarian. I saw he cliped every second feather. Don't know if thats right.I suspect her keel bone is a bit damaged. But it heals well after a few weeks. The problem is that im still new with at the grey sitsuation, so i don't know what is right and what is wrong. I guess im learning as we go.:blush:

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Every other feather? Interesting... that sounds dangerous. It seems like there isn't any protection for the unclipped feathers sticking out like sore thumbs :S Does anyone else have a wing clip like that? Also was she allowed to fledge before her first clip? She may have not developed the necessary flight muscles if not.

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