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Lumpy eye?


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Hi all,


A while back I made a post about my African Grey and with certain issues he has been having.




The problems I said about in that thread have all gone and up until last weekend he was he usual happy self.


On that said weekend when I came downstairs to give him feed and water etc, I noticed his right was slightly raised, and when you looked on him straight on you could notice a direct lump in comparison to the other side.


I figured he may have fallen off his perch in the night and perhaps banged his head (Fair enough).


So i figured i would give it a day or two and go from there. However the lump got more pronounced and now his eye is shut completely and he won't open it. The other eye is unaffected.


This of course has made me worry, and yes I know i should take him to the Vet but unfortnatly i have not been able to catch him, and the more i try the more stress and upset i am making him.


He is now very subdued and spends all day with his head turned round nuzzled into his back (if that makes sense)


I took some (bad) pictures of him to hopefully make it clearer, i will try and take some clearer pictures, however when i get close with the camera he thinks i am playing a game with him :P And starts dancing around, plus its hard to take a picture of the effected area mainly because he can't see out of he is using his other eye to watch me thus turning away from me!


Just wondered on your thoughts please.


(Couldnt work out how to attach multiple images so i added them to a .rar compressed file on the following URL http://www.wosixe.com/Jake.rar (dont be put by the URL its my own personal webserver))

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Well im afraid the answer is he needs to see an avian vet ASAP, Sleeping with his head buried in his back all day is also a sign of illness.If the eye is shut it may be many reasons,infection,foreign object in it,if there is a bump/swelling it may be a tumour, the list is endless, please get him ot the vet, & update once you have been.

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stuaz if you are unable to handle him you will have to use the towelling method to catch him & put him into a travel carrier.This is the only option you have as he needs urgent attention to that eye.Here is a link on how to towel your grey,If done correctly it should only take a few minutes...good luck please let us know how it goes.



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Hopefully the towel method won't put him through stress so I will try that tonight when I get home from Work. Only issue i have is getting him while he is in his cage as he won't leave his cage at the moment.


Thanks for your help.<br><br>Post edited by: stuaz, at: 2008/04/02 11:10

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Hi Stuaz,


I know it's hard when thinking your going to stress them out. But, when you come that to the alternative of him losing that eye or perhaps dying from a severe infection. The stress due to toweling seems insignificant. :-)


Please keep us updated on how the vet visit goes. We care!!

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Right, i took him to an Avian Vet tonight, and the outlook is grim..


Basically I have been told that I am feeding my bird the wrong food (for the last 6 years?) Which has resulted in what the vet thinks is Sycosis (sp) Or a cis.


The Vet is away tomorrow so has refered us to another Vet who will do an X-ray, bloods etc.


He gave him a shot of antibiotics tonight.


Kinda feel bad that the Vet has blamed me..

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:( im sorry you have bad news, Do you mean Psittacosis,this disease has many different symptons,low-grade infections may show as eye problems.Depending on how far this has progressed you wont know until the vet has caried out the appropriate tests .Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly.Please update with any news.fingers crossed for you.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/04/03 20:21
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Well it could be that or something else, the main thing is that your going to see another vet, when will that be ? & for now your grey has had some antibiotics, lets hope whatever it is diagnoised as, that he makes a full recovery.Thank you for filling me in, & keep us posted.

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