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just saying hello

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I am so glad i found this forum. I am going to be adoting a grey from a family who has had him for 5 years. They adopted him as a baby and love him dearly but they are thinking they want to travel more and want him to have a nice stable enviroment. I have been over to visit him and wil make some more trips to see him before the adoption happens. We are taking a trip in Mid April so I don't want to adopt him until after that so when he is first here we aren't leaving him to go away. His name is Cooper and he talks up a storm. I have owned some birds but know i have so much to learn before he comes. My other birds were a cockatiel and some parakeets so nothing like a grey. Thank you for all the knowledge of birds contained within this forum. It is nice to know there is a place to go with all my questions.


Coopersmom :)

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Hi Coopersmom & Welcome.


That is good that you are having your trip then adopting cooper,it will save him the distress of being re-homed then seeing his new parents leaving him ;) As I'm sure you are aware this is a wealth of knowledge here on the forum,be sure to have a good look around.Any questions please ask & we look forward to further updates when Cooper is home with you.

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Guest Skuffy

:laugh: Welcome Coopersmom,,,Just a quick Hello from Myself and Max...You'll love the forums, only being a Grey owner for 31Days and ive learned so much..Say Hello to Cooper from Max nxt time u see him...xxx ;)

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Welcome Coopersmom!!!


It's wonderful that you are going to adopt Cooper. Atleast the owners searched for a good home for him, intstead of just leaving him at home and abandoned for long vacations trips.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of Cooper. :-)

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Hello Coopersmom and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Cooper.


How nice that you can take on the task of Cooper and I am sure he will be a wonderful addition to your household although I cannot understand how the owners can give him up and you will find that out after you have had him for a while. They become like a member of the family and you don't get rid of family members.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask as many questions as you like, we don't mind at all. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you do take possession of Cooper if you would like to share some pictures of him we would love to see him.

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Hi Coopersmom- It's great that you are adopting Cooper and giving him a stable environment. I think you'll find that having a grey is much different than a cockatiel or parakeet, they are a lot of fun too but a grey is such a deep character! Please let us know what questions you have and there are lots of people on here that will be more than willing to share their knowledge with you. I bet you'll be so excited to get him home with you!

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Thanks for the warm welcome. I am going to love being here and finding out all the things I know I need to learn. I have a friend who knows quite a bit about birds but it is always fun to find out different ideas etc. I have already copied the list of vegies and fruits on one of the forums so I can be prepared. I feel there is so much to learn. I just keep reading now and I am sure when I get Cooper I will be asking lots of questions. ;)


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Well I recieved a call from Coopers parents On Friday and they have decided to keep him. I am glad for him since he now won't have the transition and change but it is kind of sad to think he won't be coming here. They thought it through and decided they couldn't part with him. It makes me happy becuase I understand how they are so attatched to people they have come to know as their own and at the same time it is kind of sad. But i guess the best for Cooper has happened so I will stay on the happy page for now. I will continue to learn Just in case.

Thanks for all your info. keep things coming :)


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Well im pleased Cooper's owner's have had a change of heart, it is extremley difficult to give up your grey.Sad for you but cooper will not have to go through the upset of being passed on to a new home even tho he would have had a good home to go to.Perhaps down the line there may be a grey who neeeds a new mom with a big heart ;)

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Welcome Coopersmom. I hope you aren't too disappointed about their decision to keep Cooper. Who knows, you may decide to venture out there and buy a Grey on your own now.


We've had Obi for 8 days, and he's making progress. Have a great Monday! ;)

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Yes I hope you do decide to go on out there and get a grey even though you won't be getting Cooper. I can understand how they would feel about giving up a member of their family but I am sad for you but you can get over it real quickly by finding another, maybe a baby grey this time.:)

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wow you are not going to believe what happened. I work at the humane society in our town and when I went into work today they said a bird was coming in later on. turns out it was a parrot. and African Grey. It was Cooper. they called in the morning and said they were going to bring him in. He is now at my house but what a awful transition for him. He went to the shelter then to my house and I leave on vacation in a week for 10 days. he may stay at my house and the girl i know will take care of him but our road is starting to flood and if she can't get in which happens sometimes he will have to go to her house so one more transistion. this is what I wanted to avoid. I feel so bad for him. I know I am now in for a long haul but he will be so worth it:) will keep you posted and once he settles in a little I will get a photo to post. Just wanted to keep you up dated. guess you never can tell what is around the corner.

Bye for now


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Coopersmom, Wow! You really were meant to have this bird. I don't understand why they didn't call you when they decided to give him to the shelter, but all will be well soon. It's too bad your leaving for a bit, but the fun and work will begin when you get back. Please keep us posted! B)

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What a turn of events but you finally have Cooper and he will be so much the better for it, he just doesn't know it yet. They say things happen for a reason and you were meant to have Cooper, its just sad the owners couldn't have just called you to come and get him.


Give him some time to settle in and we would love to see some pics as soon as you can manage it but congrats on getting Cooper. Keep us updated on his progress.:P

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thanks for all your support. I feel so badly that Cooper has had to have all these transitions but i will keep in mind he will be okay just may take longer to be settled. Fed him some toast this morning which is what he usually has at his house so maybe he feels more comfortable. I have to head to work for a few hours so he can have some time to check things out while the girls get ready for school. will keep you posted thanks again.

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Thats wonderful news that destiny made certain you two came together. All things will work out as this progresses and things settle down into a normal routine for you and Cooper.


The important thing, is he is now in a good home that will ensure he is properly taken care of and loved.


Please keep us updated on his progress and with some photos. :-)


This adoption story could be a really good book or movie!!

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