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update on angel


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hi. i got angel an earlier vet appointment today as he developed diorreah. the vet gave him a thorough check over and said the plucking was probably due to stress and boredom. hes put him on antibiotics and a parasitic medicine for two weeks. he says it may take years to get him right but thats no problem because i wont give up. thank you for your advice and well wishes. i am trawling through posts at the moment getting useful information.

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Guest Skuffy

Hello you 2,My names Skuffy (Mark) And my grey kind came to me the same way being his owner died,was taken to a Pet shop,I got Him on 27/2/08 so am a new Grey owner...


Reading up on oyur Lovely Bird LoTTTTTTTTs of Love and play...Try to spend as much time with him as you can,and each time you see him start to pluck himself stand and talk to him,anything just distract him.It will take you ages i guess but by the sounds of you he's in the right Hands....


BTW welcome....:woohoo:

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Well im pleased angel has been seen by the vet,im not surprised the plucking was due to boredom & stress given the conditions & circumstances you gave us.It will be a long road to recovery but your dedication comes through,never forget were here to support you ;)

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thank you. angel is a lovely lad. hes not agressive at all and when he will let me pick him up, he loves cuddles. im willing to take years to get him right, but as i said its all new to me. we do have an amazon parrot but she is my partners and wont have anything to do with me but from the day angel came to us i just gave angel the same routine and he seems to be thriving on it. he did talk a lot with his previous owner but hasnt spoken much with us, just a couple of words and whistles. mind you he swore like a trooper with a scouse accent so we will be discouraging swearing lol. i will be asking for loads of advice as time goes on, so thank you in advance!

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Well it may take lots of time and then you may never get him to stop saying the swear words, but he will say them less and less as he doesn't hear them spoken anymore.B)


I imagine he will become more vocal when he feels more comfortable in his new home but he is doing real well considering what he went thru.:huh:


You ask all the questions you want, we don't mind.:P

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