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Hi all,


Glad to find you.


Adopted a 10 year old slightly handicapped female (former person's guess) CAG three days ago and we were seriously lied to, but now that we have her I would NEVER send her back to where we got her from. We are her third (we were told) family, her first person left her in her cage for 7 years because she was scared to death of Dorian. Her second person (the one we got her from) forced her to be handled for three years by toweling her out of the cage and then pinching her toe to keep her under control. It doesn't appear that Dorian was ever treated kindly or was given a choice about when or by whom she was handled :(


I'd like to believe it's from lack of knowledge and not lack of caring. All that aside we should have never adopted such a "high-maintence" bird for our first CAG, but I couldn't bring myself to leave her where she was and I was ignorant of just how serious her issues were going to be.


So, I need help, advice, and probably a nurse by the time I finally get her to trust me. Bear with me please, I'm probably going to ask what seem to some to be stupid questions. We're going from having a couple hand-fed tame cockatiels to a CAG that has SERIOUS issues with people/hands/fabric.


On a happy note, she talks up a storm as long as you don't go near her, "Go 9'er's" is one of her favorites, and she has startled us a few times already with a well timed cough, laugh, or clearing of the throat. Last night she decided to mimic exactly the answering machine beep and took me quite by surprise.


I'm optimistic that our hearts are in the right place and coming here and asking for advice is a step in the right direction!


A new CAG mommy,



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Hello Pam and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Dorian.


I commend you for taking on this task, not everyone is up to taking on a rehomed grey but with our help I think you will do just fine.


No you certainly cannot give her up now, she needs to know this is her final home and you will be there for her from now on. This will take a lot of time and patience but the reward will be worth every minute of it.


This always makes me so mad and sad at the same time to hear of how former owners have treated these creatures, how could they do that to them, they just want our love and attention, no wonder she has issues.


Never think any question you ask is stupid, you can't learn anything if you don't ask so no matter how silly it sounds do not hesitate to ask. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful and helpful information, you will probably find some of the answers there already.


If she is talking up a storm she is somewhat comfortable already in her new home and she will mimic sounds very well as you have already found out.


You have a great heart and you did the right thing in coming here and joining our family, as part of that we will do our best to help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Dorian you would like to share with us we would love to see her.:)

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Hi Pam & Welcome & yes your heart is certainly in the right place by giving this grey a home.It will be a long road im sure but we will be behind you ;) As judy said the forum has vast threads covering all topics so have a good read through.Anything specific you need to ask please do.Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi, and welcome!

You are to be commended for taking on such a challenging bird.

We look forward to hearing all about her - and please feel free to ask questions. You will not meet a more friendly or knowledgeable group of people.

And we LOVE to gab about greys!

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Welcome Pam!!!


Thank you for taking that abused Grey in and already having the resolve to keep him and help him see that human and Grey relationships can be fun, loving and trustful. It will take time, but will be well worth the rewards for you both.


You came to the right place for help and a ton of reading material already archived here on this forum. You can simply type in a word or two of what you wish to read about, hit enter and the topics will pop-up.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you and Dorian. :-)

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Hi Pam- it's great to have you here with us. You have a wonderful soul for giving Dorian a fresh start. The relationship you two can develop will take time but it will be worth it in the end. Let us know what questions you have.

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