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My new baby is home!


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Obi's curiosity will probably get the better of him. They all have their own personalities. Some roll with the changes, some need more time to look around and decide they're safe. Keep spending time by the cage and talking to him, offer treats and make being outside of the cage look like fun. Something that works a charm with Dorian; I sit on the floor by his cage and open my mail. He can't resist the sound of me ripping open the envelopes, and before I know it, I have company on the floor beside me! Dorian_helps_with_mail004.jpg


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Aw, so cute! I've been spending lots of time talking to Obi. I sat next to his cage and ate lunch while offering him some fresh fruit and nut mix. I can put my hand in the cage, and I slowly go over and try to get him to step-up, but he starts to lift one foot to climb on the side of the cage to break away, so then I back up. Am I doing right? The breeder said she hand fed him from 2 weeks after birth until about 2 weeks ago. Wouldn't you think he would be more friendly and trusting toward human interaction? I guess maybe I don't get it yet. I'm trying to be so patient. Will it hurt that he's been in his cage for too long without coming out? Any advice on this would be helpful. He did nibble some broccoli yesterday from my hand. At least he's not growling at me anymore, so I am making some progress. Thanks for listening. ;)

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Your doing fine Lovelylew, he is starting to take food from your hand so that's good progress. When he does finally come out (even if it is on the cage but outside, a middle ground) be ready with some treat that he wants but doesn't get while in the cage, this will encourage him to come out again.


Acappella, wonderful suggestion there with opening the mail on the floor. I'll have to try that.

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I've never dealt with a baby so I don't know how much I can help. It may be that Obi is just natually more cautious than some other member's birds. I got Dorian in late September after he'd been cage bound for most of the first five years of his life. He is very cautios by nature. It's taken soooo much patience, and he's still very fond of his cage, but I leave the door open and he spends a great deal of time climbing around it. I've slowly added a couple of exterior perches and his world is getting larger every day. Have you asked the breeder for advice on how she handled Obi, maybe specific tips on how she got Obi to step-up, onto a hand or a perch, even on how she vocally prompted him. With food, I know if Dorian sees me eating something first he's more inclined to try it, and he doesn't like food to be cold. I don't know it that's true of all greys, but it is with him. Good luck with Obi. It's so worth it!

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Lovelylew you are doing perfect. You are giving him time and space to get used to everything which is what he needs. Just think about how many years you will have the pleasure of his company, so a few weeks or even a month of having patience is nothing compared to the rest of the years you will have with him. Patience is the key.


Even though he was hand fed, he has now left home and is in a completely starnge place with new routines and strange sourroundings, so it will take time.


What we did with both of ours was to still give them their formula that the breeder used. We feed them it once a day from a small spoon (we bent the sides of the spoon just as the breeder did) when we get home from work and have found that this was a great way to start the bonding process. They recongnised the formula and now everyday when we get home they call to us and can't wait to get out and have their formula.


It will not hurt him being in the cage and not coming out if he doesn't want to, just make sure you don't force him out. Continue to sit with him, talk to him, read to him, open the door and do as you are offer him treats.

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Jane, thanks for the helpful reinforcement/advice. Guess what? Obi came out of his cage yesterday late afernoon/early evening - lol - I was so happy. He came out on his own and happily walked around the top of his cage. I have a ball that I rolled back and forth and then I had an empty paper towel cardboard, which he played with too. He took flight once, and landed in my plants, and I went over from underneath and he stepped up. To gain his confidence, I immediately took him back to the top of his cage. When it was time for him to go in, again, he flew and I had to have him step-up, but he did after a few flights, and I got him back in. I'm so happy and excited. Today, will be another confidence building day as I bond with Obi and he to me; however, I have a feelng we're on our way! Thanks again for the helpful advice. I was getting sort of worried that if he stayed in his cage too long, he would never come out - and he did! Woo Hoo! Have a great Thursday! ;):)

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WTG there Lovelylew. Now the problem will become how to keep him IN the cage:blink: .


Last night I gave Kenya a walnut (he loves peanuts) and it is funny watching him try to open it. I think he knows there are goodies instead but it's a bit too difficult for him to break open, but he is trying (keeps him busy). I figure if he doesn't have it open by tonight (after work) I'll try to crack it for him.


Lovelylew & Jane, have your babies said any words yet (did the breeder tell you if they were talking before)? Nothing from Kenya yet.

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Cool about the walnut. That's probably fun watching Kenya trying to open it.


The breeder told me that Obi should only have 2 peanuts a day. Not sure about the validity of the statement, but thought I'd pass it onto you. I haven't read this anywhere, and I've been doing a lot of reading - lol ;)

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Imme it is probably a bit to soon for them to be saying words. You will hear a lot of noises though while they practice and even noises that sound like words. I know our other one was shy and would go to another room and practice his talking. Then when he got confident he did it in front of us. He was about 5 to 6 months when he first strated to talk.


Kea has started to make other noises than her baby ones, but I don't expect her to talk for awhile yet. When I hear her try to make a noise that sounds like a word I then repeat the word to her and I do that everytime she makes that noise.


Also when they are playing and get excited is the best time to start associating words for them to learn.


Rangi's first words were "Rangi, get down". He used to fly to the curtains and we would tell him to get down and he thought that was so funnny and then would just fly up there and tell himself to get down.

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LOL Jane, that must have been a funny sight with Rangi.


Yeah, the walnut kept him busy but didn't want to tease him too much with it either so last night I got it started for him.


Lovelylew, thanks for the information on number of peanuts per day. I hadn't heard any number but want to leave it as a treat so the most I have been giving is 3 a day.


I think we should start a "Baby Room" thread, now that Micha has just brought home her 2 month old Grey and Raponda (sp?) should be bringing her new Grey home soon (I think she was two months behind me) :laugh: .

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