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Taking Max outdoors...

Guest Skuffy

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Guest Skuffy

Whats the best way to introduce your Grey to the outside...Id like to take Max into my back garden.He's clipped,sits on me,also knows the step-up command,think he'll be ok with me out with him...?:unsure: {Nature-00020095}

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Guest Skuffy

Yeah!!! Just took Max out..I think he loved it...I hear you about the harness I'll get 1 soon,,,atm in my yard i have very high fences....I took a few pics,,there on my profile..:woohoo:

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Guest Skuffy
;) Max Lubbers me to much to ever leave me...I'll take a trip to my local Pet shop later see if i can get him a Harness:blush:
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Guest Skuffy

Im not sure Max will let me put a harness on him,,,Hes only just started to let me stroke down his back and touch his tail,feathers.If i try to stroke his chest he nips me..not hard,but when hes in a trance like state i can more or less touch him all over.Is it easy to get him used to a harness at 9yrs old.?

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I would suggest the aviator harness it comes with instructions on a CD,many members here use the aviator.when you purchase one leave it near Max so he can see it, even play with it in front of him,let him join in if he will.It may take time,one of mine put it on the first day with no problems,my other would run a mile !Take it at Max's pace,but the CD is clear to follow.I just dont want you posting that Max has flown away ;) People do take chances & that is entirely their decision,but i would not risk loosing one of mine.

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Guest Skuffy

Awwwwwwww..I just read that...I won't be taking Max out again without a harness...And yes whoever clipped him b4 i got him took his flight feather right off the poor bird can't even glide..he drops like a rock...hes only jumped to me twice and missed..The first time i brought him home i was sat in the front room,he jumped for me...and once as i walked passed him...Think the fall frighten him so he now holds tight..

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Guest Skuffy

Off to get Max a Harness today...B) Don't worry he'll not be going out again with out it on...


Pls don't think i am some idiot...My yard is very large enclosed we were sat on the ground at the side of a very High fence,NOT 1 bit of wind was in the air,theres no way on Earth if i thought for 1 sec he cud have been lifted by wind wud i have taken him outside.I understand they still have uplift left in there wings and may be blow away.I wasn't but 1 foot away from him either,just took a few Pics of him then brought him right back in..So no more worries Grey Lovers..I won't take him out again..I promisexxxB)

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Guest Skuffy
:P Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I got Max his first Harness a Nice Pritty red 1,,Hope he likes it...ATM hes just giving it the once over...lol..Hes Laughing at it..
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Guest Skuffy

Its called The Premier Feather Tether...They have to order me the Aviator Harness...but i'll get 1...He just looks at this 1,,,I'll play with him at play time with it...see what he does..:woohoo:

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