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Wanted to say Hello!

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So I have been browsing your forums for a couple weeks now, And seems as I have spent so much time here I figured I might as well join in the fun and partake in some of the wonderful threads that I have read here. Here is a little about myself. I am the mother of 2 human children and one CAG (added 6 mo ago). I have been around birds most my life (my mom had them while I was growing up. I have wanted to get a bird of my own for a long time but my husband was not so keen on the idea. I begged him for years to get a U2, I really wanted one because my mom had one and they tend to be one of the better bird with children. All he remembers though is the SCREAM, And one day while strolling through the mall we passed a Pet store with a CAG sitting out He mentioned that was a cool looking bird. I did some research to see the noise lvl, though i knew they are great talkers I did not know if they where screamers. I showed him some websites and let him know they dont really have a reputation of screaming like a U2 He said okay we can get one and I was on the phone the next second trying to locate a breeder right away. Now I have my Raven and I am happy and my husband loves him just as much as I do.. I do wonder if any of you have small children and how do they do with your AG

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Hi tyretosmom & Welcome.You will find a wealth of information here on the forum,it just takes a little time to read through all the various posts ;) There is a search facility at the top of the page if you require information on a specific item,if your unable to find something just ask :) We look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hello Tyretosmom and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Raven.


We welcome your participation in our forum, the more the merrier, as you can tell we have fun here besides just sharing information about our greys and helping out with each other's grey problems.


I don't know what the ages of your children are, but very young children should be kept at a safe distance from Raven until you are sure they can handle it. Most greys do not like the quick moving actions and loudness of young children, it makes them nervous and nervous greys tend to bite, but yes they do need to be included in the activities with Raven but not hands on yet.


If you haven't already please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Raven you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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I have actually had great sucess with dealing with my children and Raven My son is 7 and my daughter is 4, Before raven even came home we spend alot of time going over new house rules and the right way to act around him. As soon as we got him home I had the kids interact with hir right away, They took the same steps I did with getting to know Raven, My 4 year old doesn't care to hold him, but loves to pet him. My 7 year old is great with him. I know I have a great bird. But I will say it was the time preparing them and teaching them the respect raven needed that really made the diffence.They even call him there little brother. Here are some pictures of them, (well im going to attempt this anyways)


Tyler and Raven


Isabel and Raven


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Very cute pictures!

My son is 11 and our bird was actually purchased for him. Alas, the bird became infatuated with me and isn't a huge fan of my son. This was VERY disappointing to my son, but I keep reminding him that at the age of 2, Klaus will probably drop me like a hot potato. Then maybe he will favor my son. Who knows?

Anyway, welcome!

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Welcome tyretosmom and raven!!


What a wonderful introduction and photos of your children interacting with him. Those will be just a couple of cherished photos of a lifetime with him as one of your family. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos!!

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