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Cleo apparent worn beak


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Cleo grinds her beak she is a young parrot but i thought this was just usual behaviour to clear her beak and get rid of any food left around or in her little birdy mouth, but she appears to have worn i suppose on a human tooth it would be the "enamel" off her beak a little on her lower jaw and im just a wee bit worried about my little princess :S

I have only noticed this tonight though and i am pretty sure that this is recent?

Does anyone know why she has done this, whether it is bad health wise, and how quick do parrot beaks grow/heal?

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The beak is like a human finger nail, they are made of kerotin and are always growing. It's normal for them to "shed" the outer layer. The beak grinding is her keeping her beak in tip-top shape...I would be worried if she didn't do it.

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