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questions, questions & more questions!


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So I have a few months to get all my questions answered, so I'm gonna start asking:)

First, when I bring baby home, should I just put him in his cage he'll be in for good? I plan on getting a playtop, about 36" wide and 24/26" deep, will this be too big for a just weaned baby? Should I buy a smaller cage to start out with? I have heard people refer to these first cages as transition cages.


Now, when I do bring the baby home, I have read that some people will continue to handfeed something to the baby, just so it has that familiarness I guess? Should I do this and what do you hand feed a baby with?


Also, how many toys should I start out with in his cage. I know they need a lot of toys, but I also don't want to overwhelm him. How many toys should I get and how long should I wait before adding more, or at least switching them out.


Thanks guys! :)

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That cage sounds fine to put him in from the start, you may not want to put any perches up real high in the cage as they can still be a little clumsy and might fall off a perch.


If you are getting your baby fully weaned he does not need any more hand feeding, now I give Josey a morning meal of a little oatmeal with some baby food in it and I feed it to her with a small spoon. This is just part of her daily routine and she enjoys it, I also add a little red palm oil to it.


I would put maybe 5 to 6 toys in the cage to start with and have others you can exchange out, they get tired of the same ones and you can rotate them out and put in new ones or the same ones they haven't played with for a while. You can do this every couple of weeks.:P

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Thank you for a quick resonse... another question I was going to ask but forgot when I posted - I plan on clipping, just because I have kids, and my husband/kids are in and out, their friends are in and out, Id hate to have him fly out. out 4 years ago I had a budge who's wings I didnt clip. I thought I did a very good job making sure things were always secure when he was out - he loved to fly and follow me around the house, but sure enough my daughter came in one day with her friend, to the back to play with the dogs and her friend kept the door open behind her and my little buddy flew off. It's haunted me ever since and I never want that to happen again , but should I have the breeder clip his wings before I get him, or wait till he's settled and a little older then just take him to my avian vet? I would love to not clip at all, but I am afraid it would be unsafe for him


judygram wrote:

That cage sounds fine to put him in from the start, you may not want to put any perches up real high in the cage as they can still be a little clumsy and might fall off a perch.


If you are getting your baby fully weaned he does not need any more hand feeding, now I give Josey a morning meal of a little oatmeal with some baby food in it and I feed it to her with a small spoon. This is just part of her daily routine and she enjoys it, I also add a little red palm oil to it.


I would put maybe 5 to 6 toys in the cage to start with and have others you can exchange out, they get tired of the same ones and you can rotate them out and put in new ones or the same ones they haven't played with for a while. You can do this every couple of weeks.:P

<br><br>Post edited by: AshleyKay, at: 2008/03/31 03:00
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You would probably be better off clipping the wings since you do have small children and husband and friends coming in and out of the house, if someone inadvertently left the door open then escape could happen.


I would wait until your baby is home and learns to fly and land properly before clipping, that is important for them to be able to do that then you can get the wings clipped.:P

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