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Car trip in winter/early spring


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DH and I were debating ...

Temps are in the 30's to 40's here.

He says if we take Klaus outside (to get into the pre-heated car) for a car trip, that this could be harmful to him.

I say if we heat the car, put him in his travel cage, and wrap the travel cage in a blanket for the short scoot from our door to the car, he should be fine.

Not that we're planning on taking him anywhere right at the moment.

Just wondering, what do you guys think?


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I don't know how far you have to go outside to get to your car but I just take Josey out with no covering her cage and put her in the vehicle even in cold temps. The vehicle is warmed up first and of course I don't have to go far, I have a carport so I just take her out the door and several steps away is the vehicle.


What you suggest is fine, that little bit of cold is not going to hurt him, now if it was much colder or the wind is blowing hard then maybe I would cover the cage somewhat.:P

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We take our birds out in the cold for a car trip. We did it at easter and it was snowing. We just heat the car up and then put them in without covering them. We make sure we are quick about it.


They fluff up as soon as they are in the heat of the car and there were no problems. We travelled 10 hours that day with passing snow storms. The birds thought it was great and were chit chattering away.

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We drove from Key West to St. Petersburg ( 8 hours) with Keywe, and she loved it. We're about to go in July to NC (12 hours) with her. We just bring a travel cage in the back of the truck (double cab inside) and let her roam around freely. She's a great traveler!

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Judy says

"""""Thats unusual for a man, its usually the women that go nuts over the littlest things""""


I really don't think Judy knows what she's talking about. Actually, we men have very complex personalities that enable us to show emotion in many ways, especially towards creatures that can't fend for themselves. Women simply worry..men are strong and able to relieve that worrying. When that happens, the women are so elated that they do what they do best which is to smile,chatter and gab and then quiet down and think about other things to worry about. Men don't need to go nuts. They're already in possession which allows them to bypass the small insignifcant moaning and chattering and gabbing of the female gender and reorganize and position the woman to aim her in the right path. That's very necessary because it's well known that women are often referred to as being *dizzy*. Men are known as the strong silent type because there's enough sound being put out by the woman for more than 2 people. I'm sure that Judy will rethink her statement and realize that she simply didn't give much thought to what she said. Judy is an extremely good person who deserves to periodically be aimed in the right direction before the pathways become complex. For the future everyone who cares what happens to Judy can contribute a small amount of money in order to purchase a decent GPS that she can carry. Ever see the LIFE ALERT commercial? Just think of Judy saying with a look of relief saying 'and that's why I wear one' and you'll know that she was really worthy of everyone's legitimate worries.

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Just like Judy, You're showing that you can't stay on the right track. It's a case of multiple choice. Judy said it will be better in Just for Men section. Why? Men already know the true facts. Judy spoke of men in this thread so obviously, I responded to her in this thread. There was a need to reassure her that help was just around the corner. Just read my loving post to her. As you can see by what she said, her spirits were lifted.

Now for you--Tracy, you say go to Off Topics. Why? I didn't respond in that section because Judy used this thread to bring up men. Who knows.Yesterday maybe those pathways were already starting to be complicated for her.

You find the need to add to this thread but you really don't know what to say. A lovely, wonderful woman such as you starts to think real hard and decide to use cartoons. The old memories of crayons rises.You feel really secure with your cartoons and funny faces. That is commonly known as age regression. Luckily, you don't suffer from short term memory loss. Your mind remembers the times of the distant past when Mom and pop (mum in UK)were the guiding lights. Life was simple. There weren't any major problems. Mum and dad were always there. There was school, playing with dolls, playing patty cake and giggling,cooking little muffins that always burn't which caused immense laughter,and of course eventually looking at the handsome figures of the boys at the dance halls, eventually going steady, maybe getting married, learning the art of the fast chatter,the excitement the the well known *rumor* syndrome. The biggest worry was finding that daddy figure who would keep you on the right path during your adult years. It's sad that you live so far away from Judy. If you both lived near each other, the two of you could share that GPS. But, not to worry. The device is also available in the UK. Don't fret. The right path is just around the corner. Just make sure you make a right hand turn. The right path is always on the right side.


PS--you say that you're sorry you posted twice. That's simply an unconscious need and desire to make sure that people do see your cartoons in case they bypassed them. Not your fault. It's the mind wandering away onto another path.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/01 18:40<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/01 19:29

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haha dave what you wrote is so true just because we don't "show" immediately doesn't mean we aren't thinking, understanding, hurting, or whatever emotions you can think of just because blokes actually "deal" with things rather than mithering over them and creating voids of self pity, we get results, women call it emotionless i call it efficiency no wasted energy on crying talking shouting scream just get the blooming job done.

I know they say this belongs in the just for men catagory but when did "just for men" or topic linearisation ever comply for the women?

I agree with freedom of topic posting but that is an honorable post for the "just for men" wall of fame[i think you should copy paste it :)]

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This is so odd, because my husband and I are just the opposite. He talks about doing things and never does them. Procrastinates with the best of 'em.

I am miserable if I am not productive. I like to get things done and get impatient if too much time is spent planning, or deciding what to do first if there are several tasks to accomplish. Just get the hell going I say!

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