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missing feathers; scratching


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Hi Everyone,



It has been a while since I posted, I was waiting to see if my Booty's feathers started to grow back and alas, no. I am not sure if the image attached or not.


My Nittles Bird aka (Booty:) has been scratching at her ears and feathers are disappearing. I took her to the vet and the vet in training (which I did not know at the time as it was my first time there) checked in her ears and didnt see any infection or inflamation and checked the area around her ears and did not see anything. He did give me medicine to put on her ears and we have been able to do so some of the time, but whenever we go to put the drops on her, she becomes a boxer and her head starts to bob and weave.(any ideas on an easier way?) My question is, has anyone seen anything like this before. I am scheduled to go see the original doctor next week, but just wanted to see if anyone has an idea.


PS. I thought it may be dry skin because she hates baths. Since then though I soak her with Aloe Juice and Water. Do you think if I put Aloe Gel on her blank patch if that would be ok? Also, I heard the putting diluted GSE on it would kill any bacteria.Has anyone heard of that or putting some aloe juice or gse in her water.


Please advise! My little Booty is very happy, sings and is trying to talk, plays with her toys everything. I work from home so I am with her all day and her entire cage is cleaned with water and GSE.


If anyone knows anything I would appreciate it.


Thanks so much!




Post edited by: gbdb_kcb, at: 2008/03/28 21:06<br><br>Post edited by: gbdb_kcb, at: 2008/03/28 21:09



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