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Sad New's Toni a forum member


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Here is a copy of a PM i was sent from Alesia who is Toni's son's girlfriend.


Toni is a popular member of our family here at Greyforums & im sure you will join me in sending all our love to Toni & wishing her a speedy recovery.



Toni sending you all my love & big hugs to you, Tracy xxx








this is alesia, toni's son's g/f. toni was in a near fatal auto accident. she was going down a dark pothole road and in 4ft in front of her two construction barrels that were not lit.she tried to dodge them and went to the left of them and her front left tire hit the blvd. she lost control hit a tree which broke and missed a huge one which couldve killed her. the van then toppled over on the roof. she crushed her right ankle and left wrist. she has srews and plates in both. they are looking out for one joint bone so it doesnt deteriate because of lack of blood. Shes taking this hard and crying every day. she being stubborn about putting the daycare on hold. she wont listen . she wanted me to let her family forum know why she wont be on.She misses all of you. when i get a chance i will put phots of van on. i told her she should be lucky shes alive. this is like a wake up call for her to slow her life down.thank you


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OMG! I have tears in my eyes. :( Toni is such a wonderful person, a very valued and respected member of our family here. Please pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery to her. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

Please tell her we are so thankful that she was lucky enough to have survived. Things happen for a reason, she should concentrate on getting better, and seeing that this is a sign that perhaps she needs to take a step back and put herself first for a change.


Please keep us posted on her progress. :dry:

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This is horrible news Tracy and my heart goes out to her and her family right now. Toni is such a sweet person and you really do not know what is in store for us, life takes a bad turn in the matter of seconds.


I will keep Toni and her family in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and have her back on her feet very soon.


I know you will let us know when you hear anything more Tracy, thank you for passing this on to us.

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