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Thanks to all who gave advice to me over the last couple of days,To start my name is Thomas Im from Ireland and I have 3Kids 2 Dogs 2 Lizards 2 Horses 1 Wife who thinks Im nuts and a lovely new baby African Grey Rio.I hope to get a lot of advice of u lover of greys I only have Rio 1 day and already he has made an impression on the whole family who rio seems to have taken to already she has flown to my arm twice so looks like I am making an impression on him/her so hope to hear from u all soon

Thanks again

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Hello Thomas and welcome to the family, so glad you could introduce yourself and tell us a little more about you and Rio.


If your wife thinks you are nuts because you love greys then I guess we here are all nuts but we are crazy for our birds and only a bird lover can understand how we feel.


Gosh you have made great progress to have only had Rio for one day and that is impressive and you are in for a lifetime of enjoyment from him.


Take a little time and read thru many of the threads for lots of useful information and ask questions, I know you already have but there is no limit so ask all you want. We will do our best to get answers for you and help you in any way we can.:)


If you have any pictures of Rio you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:P

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Hi Thomas, welcome to the forum. As you can probably tell from the name, I am also from Ireland! There are a few of us now:)


I have to say I am with the wife on the lizard front, I never could understand the attraction :sick:


But she will definitely come round to loving your grey. My husband ended up getting one of his own after a year of watching Liath!

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Thanks very much. new to the Grays had a B&G Macaw few years ago and a senegal but went overseas and had to part with them as the wife could'nt manage but all birds are different as I found out the smaller they are the more they hurt by the way I live in Crumlin not to far away from Lucan.

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Hi Thomas! Welcome to our family. You do have a houseful!! But I am happy for you, sounds like your grey is a sweetheart, and feeling very loved and comfortable already!! I look forward to hearing more and seeing some photo's!!:)

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Hi Thomas- sounds like you are an animal lover like all the rest of us on here. We do love to talk about our babies! It's great that you and Rio are getting along already, I know you'll enjoy having him in your household. Welcome to the forum.

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