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HI from Tx.

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Just thought Id introduce myself. I'm Ashley and I'm anxiously awaiting for August to come, so I can bring home my TAG. Right now my breeder has an egg for me, should be hatching in the beginning of April, and hopefully ready to come home in the beginning of August. It's going to be such a long, hard wait, but in the meantime Im getting things I need for him/her and reading as much as I can on greys/parrots. This forum looks great - Im so glad I came across it.

Hope no one minds another newbie ;)


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Hello Ashley and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and joined and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new Tag.


No one is a newbie here for long, we welcome anyone and everyone with a grey or an interest in greys. You jump right in and join the fun you won't regret it.


I know August seems a lifetime away at the moment but it will pass and then you will have that precious baby for a very long time. From your picture it looks like you already have a precious human baby, looks adorable.


While you are waiting for August read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and ask questions if you have any. We will do our best to get answers to them and help you in any way we can.:)

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Hi Ashley & Welcome,It will be a long wait but sure worth it in the end i can assure you ;) i followed my first two greys from eggs week by week until the day they came home.Look forward to hearing more from you :)<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/03/27 19:04

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys :) This is such a friendly forum -I've been reading thru all the posts and I'm already feeling "at home" sort of speak.

Also - I already have an update! Shorty after I posted my intro my breeder emailed me and I guess the little one wasn't going to wait till April at all, he/she hatched today! She said the parents are taking very good care of it right now, and I'll get pictures in 2/3 weeks when she pulls the baby from the nest. :cheer: I haven't even seen the little guy yet, but Im already one, very proud & happy Mama ;)

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Yes, he's a doll. A ladies man already ;) His name is Jake. He'll be a year in August... My husband luckly got his boy cause he was the last no matter one. He has three big sisters, ages 12, 7 & 2 1/2. You can imagine, he's the baby of the family, the only boy, and the last "human" baby.. so he tends to get quite spoiled by all of us :cheer: He just had his first hair cut, at 7 months..they took 3" inches off... he hasnt been mistaken as a "she" since ;)


judygram wrote:

Why don't you tell us a little about the child in your photo, looks like a little sweetie to me?B)
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I'll just bet he is a ladies man and spoiled rotten and you are a busy woman with 4 kids and you don't look old enough to have had that many kids. I only had two and my first one was a girl so I was also very happy to have a son for my second and last child but now I have 3 grandchildren, 1 boy and 2 girls and I spoil them rotten. As grandmother I can do that and then send them home:laugh:


Thanks Ashley for sharing a little more information about your family with us.:)

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Ashley, isn't it strange? I was totally convinced I welcomed you before, but it seems I have not? :unsure:


Anywayz: welcome - a bit late but meant just the same ;)

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I have joined a couple forums ... perhaps we've crossed paths at another parrot forum? Either way..thank you for the welcome! Such a friendly group here.


FairY wrote:

Ashley, isn't it strange? I was totally convinced I welcomed you before, but it seems I have not? :unsure:


Anywayz: welcome - a bit late but meant just the same ;)

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