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Hello, I'm new to the forums here, and joined because I recently acquired my dream bird; an African Grey. I've had other birds (and still do!) ranging from parakeets and cockatiels as a kid, to a mischevious set of conures now, and through my life and family owned, an assortment of macaws and even a crotchety old amazon.

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Hello Tina and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your dream bird, the grey.


Isn't it amazing how the grey is the dream bird of a lot of bird people, the ultimate of birds, certainly not the most colorful but with a wonderful personality, no wonder they are so popular.


You have an houseful of birds also with keets, cockatiels and conures, and I can relate to the mischeviousness of the conure, I have a sun conure and she is a character herself.


Not that you need it but take a little time and read thru many of the threads for lots of useful information that may answer a few questions you may have. You can ask us any question and we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of your grey you would like to share with us we would love to see it. We also have an other birds room where you can share some pictures of the other birds if you like.


BTW, what is the name of your grey and do you know what sex it is?

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Thanks for the warm welcome. My Grey's name is Izzy, he's 18 weeks old and I've had him since Easter (I know! So short a time!). He came as a surprise to me from my family, in fact. So, I didn't get to pick him, or rather, have him pick me. He's DNA male, and a beautiful, big boy.


I've been letting him settle in, not asking too much of him. However, he has other plans! He is everywhere, and into everything. Nothing scares this bird at all. New food, new toys, new noises, he's all for it.


The bad part is ...he doesn't like me much. Figures doesn't it!? lol He adores my mother, and will step up for her, let her pet him, doesn't bite her. He will give her whistles and little baby cheep noises. Me? I get the pointy end of his beak and a glare. My Mom stole my bird. lol


Unfortunately, my Mom isn't into the 'upkeep' part of birds. So to clean his cage or give him food, ect.. I'm in contact with him constantly, not to mention Izzy's cage is in my studio where I am 90% of the time! He's content to hang out near me, but if I move, he's all about the snapping and biting.


I know birds will be birds and you cannot force a friendship, but I feel really kinda dejected lol. My dream bird and he wants none of it. I still love him, I can't help it. He's beautiful and if he never wants to be friends with me, so be it. But, it still makes me sad.


Anyway, that's my story so far.


Here's some pics of Izzy!


http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y251/piwackett/Izzy/<br><br>Post edited by: TinaM, at: 2008/03/27 21:55

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Hi Tina, and welcome.


That's a bit annoying isnt it? Izzy obviously hasnt figured out which side his bread is buttered yet! But it is very early days, and the fact that he likes a woman means all is not lost. With a bit of perseverance I am sure he will come round :)


Congratulations on your new little (or is it big) boy!!!

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