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Hiya guys, I'm new here to the Forum, I'll be getting a Grey hopefully soon. I talked to a lady but they're jus hatched so it'll be a good 12-16 wks before they're ready to go home. I'm not sure yet whether I want to get a Timneh or a Congo...still deciding.

I'm an extreme animal lover and I've wanted a grey for a long time and now it I'll be able to, I'm so excited.

I got a really good deal on a cage the other day and bought some toys. Jus got to clean the cage nice and well then wait for my Baby!


Have a good day and God Bless,


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Hello Midnight and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you plan to get.


I know you are so excited and it will be a while before you can bring it home but you will at least have plenty of time to get things ready for that day.


I know 12-16 weeks sounds like a long time but it will fly by before you know it but you have a decision to make whether to get a Cag or a Tag.


To help pass some of that time please read thru as many of the threads as you can for lots of useful and helpful information and do ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.:)

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I'll be able to visit them but the lady said that generally 3 wks after they've hatched they're all sold...she wasnt trying to rush me or anything but giving me a heads up. She has 4 Cags and 2 Tags left still, 2 cags and 1 tag are already sold/reserved. She's a good 3 hr drive away from me and the only one within 5 hrs that sells Tags.

I jus have to decided which one I want, they're so young right now...I dont know if it would be possible for them to chose me.


You guys with both Congos and Timnehs, do they do equally well with families? It's going to be my bird but the family will be interacting with it on a daily basis. While I work or am in school. I've heard that the timnehs tend to be a lil less neurotic and are less shy...have any of you noticed this? I know a lot has to do on the individual birds, or if you have anything seeing the differences between the two. I like the looks of both so that wont really help jus going off what I like. I do think the Timnehs are adoreable though, I've been leaning toward them for a bit.

any suggestions or stories would be greatly appreciated.


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Neither congos or timnehs are "better." They're both wonderful birds, Timnehs are supposedly a bit less neurotic they don't freak out as much about changes in the house or in their cage, etc. Talking ability supposedly equal between the two types of greys. But congos DO have clearer voices. By clearer, I mean they sound EXACTLY like the specific person they're imitating. Timnehs are just as easy to understand, but they have their own little funny voice.I have both & love them all equally & you can decide which you prefere ;)




I'd personally rather have a timneh as a pet. (Heh, I'm probably biased seeing as I have a timneh, but there's a reason for that!) Statistically, a far greater percentage of pet congos are feather pluckers, while it's relatively rare for the average Timnehs are also supposedly a bit more acrobatic, maybe because of their smaller size. And they also say timnehs are more likely to enjoy cuddling. My timneh loves cuddling, but she's still a baby, so she might grow out of it. Congos are more likely to bond to one person, and to bond to a person other than the primary caregiver.


Keep in mind I only have a timneh, so I have no actual frame of reference. These are just things I've read.


Talking ability -- supposedly equal between the two types of greys. But congos DO have clearer voices. By clearer, I mean they sound EXACTLY like the specific person they're imitating. Timnehs are just as easy to understand, but they have their own little funny voice.

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