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Water dish game....


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Just when I thought I had seen everything Liath started to play a new game. She gets the edge of her water dish and wriggles it until she gets it out of the holder and tips it all over the cage. When it is empty she bashes it off the bars of the cage.


Like the idiot I am, when I first saw her playing with the dish, I thought she was trying to have a bath in it so I got her a glass oven dish with water in and put it in the bottom of her cage. The little brat upended that too!


I have replaced the newspaper in her cage 3 times today and mopped up all the mess. She now has her dish with a dribble of water in the bottom. At least she had 10 minutes ago when I left her. By now she has probably tipped it out again

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LOL, and now it becomes a game. I am wondering why people don't use water bottles instead of water dishes for their Greys? I am planning on using the bottle since he is trained both ways to prevent this game, especially since I work during the day and fear that he dumps the water out right after I leave and has none for the rest of the day. What is wrong with water bottles?

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:laugh: i sympathize with you alfie did the same thing, i have now replaced all the bowls to crook pots which lock in to place & they are unable to tip them,saying that kaiti my new TAG has just started doing it with the bowl on one of the playstands :laugh: :pinch: :silly:

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I have been doing some online shopping this evening pricing those crock pots. So far the last water I gave her has stayed. Mind you she has been out for the past few hours and now she is sleeping!!


My greys havent learned how to use the water bottles :(


Honestly, she really likes to keep me guessing :S

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Imme wrote:

What is wrong with water bottles?



Nothing unless your grey decides to stick a seed, bean or something else in the end and stop it up or cause all the water to run out, they will do that too so there is no winning.:laugh: :blink: :laugh:

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I've had very good luck with this dish which my friend at the pet store found after Dorian discovered the water dumping game. I've watched him try to get it undone and no success 6 months in. I don't know what it's called though, or where it came from. Anyone know the manufacturer/supplier? water_dish001.jpg


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They always have to come up with some new game to amuse themselves don't they? With a new puppy in the house the game Lyric likes is dropping his toys on the floor and watching the puppy run off with them. He still hasn't figured out that he usually doesn't get things back after the puppy has been chewing on them unless they get a run through the dishwasher first! He's lost a couple of cardboard boxes that way and some measuring cups too...

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Thats a very good point, Talon. I didnt even think of the cleaning aspect of it. I am going to try out acappellas idea of the dishes that lock. She is chucking her food dish now too. I suppose I'd best get them for Oisin too, as he will probably start at some stage as well.


Casper, Charlie lies in the food dish? Is it soft or something.... hilarious!!! Arent they just little devils!!!

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No its a hard plastic bowl. He lays on his back with his feet sticking up its funny now but it scared me the first time he did it! Looks really weird. He also loves to put everything in his water dish, food toys etc does anyone elses do this as well? Will try and get a pic next time he goes in the bowl:)

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blooming fussy birds hey love me greys?

the bowls we use for food are i believe steel and i have put large washers on the holders about inch and a half in diameter and the hole just big enough for the bolt they came with rectangle holders instead of the washers but these didnt sit in the bars well, so that is my genius idea :) haha

looks kinda like this but has instead of hooks a bolt and my washers



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Actually the ones in the pictures are exactly the ones I am using now. But she doesnt take the frame off the cage, she takes the bowl out of the frame!


I asked in my local pet shop about the ones that acappella uses and he is looking to see can he get them for me. If not I will buy them from the UK. The new game hasnt stopped yet :(

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You know how the site says 'there's always one'? Dorian's previous bowls 'locked' when you turned them into the holder; he figured out how to turn the dish until it unlocked, then tossed it! Silly bird doesn't know what to do with foot toys, but figured out a bird proof dish.:P

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