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cage help please


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im not gonna get into it but i recently lost LUCKY BIRD CAGE(cag) OF 11 years, i bought a new one but it was an impulse buy i had to have a cage in the next hour cause i was leaving town for a week, the cage is much biger he has adjusted to it in the time i was gone the problem is he had a cage with 3/4 spacing the new cage is only 1/2 he seem to be able to climb ok in the 1/2but not as well as hisdid in the 3/4.ive thought about getting anothe new cage but i not sure .Will it bother hiom haveing a 3rd cage in 2 weeks i dont want him to fall and hurt him self because of my ignorance so if anyoneif anyone one has any input on what i should do please let me know

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You're right about the bar spacing. For a grey it should be 3/4 to 1 inch spacing. Greys have larger feet than other parrots of the same size. Putting a new cage in shouldn't be a problem. Because of a grey's personality, he might be leery of a new cage just like they're leery of new toys, perches, new bowls etc. Some will say to put a new cage next to an old cage temporarily so that the bird will see it and eventually get used to seeing it. That's up to you. I've changed cages quite often with no problems. The only thing I do is take the toys from the old cage and put them in a new cage approx in the same place as was in the old cage. I also do that with the perches. I don't make a big deal out of switching cages. I don't need to put a new cage next to the old cage because there's already other cages in the bird area. I personally have never had a problem doing that. In a new cage the bird might look a little leery of it but things for me always turn out okay. Your choice though.

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I would stick with the one you have. The cage I got for Elmo was a BIG change from the one he was in, and it took him a little while to get used to climbing in it. The cage he was in had 1/2 spacing (it was his baby cage) and the one he is in now has 3/4...my CAG is very small though, he's only 385g. If yours is more on the average weight (around 500g) then 1 inch is more then fine.


Give it a chance before you spend money you probably don't need to spend.

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