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Introducing another grey


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What are the main things I should think about/do when introducing another grey. One is 11 months (male) and we have had him for 8 months. The other one we got in the weeekend and is 3 months (female). They have separate everything, cage, toys, perch etc.


When we have had them out they sometimes fly to the same perch and look at each other and then beak each other. I have been told this is normal, but I worry one of them will get hurt. Should I leave them to get on with it and supervise or take one away when this starts and then which one should I take away. Sometimes one of them actaully flies off if it gets too much.


The female is very keen to be out of her cage and is just looking at everything. She even watches him and copies him. Like he flies to the back of the armchair where I am sitting and kisses me. Well I got a fright yesterday as she did the same thing, flew to the armchair and gave me a kiss. When she sees him doing something fun,like playing on the table she immediately flies down to the table as well.

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It sounds to me like you are doing great. You just need to be sure to watch both of them all the time until you know you can trust them together. My guys still beak each other, and have little play fights, and then 2 seconds later they are busy grooming each other. So far neither of them have hurt the other, but I still watch them when they are out together just in case :)


I wouldnt interfere unless they are actually hurting each other, and since they can both fly, believe me they will be quick to separate if they are getting hurt!


Congratulations on your new baby, you will have double the fun and double the trouble :)

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Jane one point I want to make is to be sure you do everything first for the one that was there first, that is No 1 bird, since he was there first he should come first. I know you care for them equally but in their mind the one that was there first should get first dibs so they know their place.


I echo Siobhan's suggestion that you supervise their time out together so they don't hurt one another until you feel you can trust them.


Like the gum it is double the fun and double the pleasure:laugh: :P B)

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I know it's a real fight between birds at my work when they start to go after the others feet. If you ever see this going on you need to separate them ASAP!!!


Sounds like you have a couple of sweet greys, and years of enjoyment ahead of you.

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Thanks everyone for the reassurance it really helps.


Judy there is no worries about our 11 month old knowing he is number one. I let him out first in the morning and he sits on a perch next to her cage like lord muck and just watches her in her cage. I go to the kitchen to make breakfast for them and peek out to make sure he isn't on her cage. He is still on the perch sitting up tall like, don't worry I will guard her while you make breakfast. Usually he follows to the kitchen but not now. He has really been showing off to her, like bathing which he usually hates, playing like a nut case. We play football with him with an indoor hockey ball and he goes crazy.


I even said to my boyfriend the other day I wonder what they are saying to each other as they were both making noises and our 11 month old turns around and goes goodbye. I laughed so hard and told our 11 month old, no she is staying and not going anywhere, she hasn't just come to visit.

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