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The Evidence of the Move


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Hi All!

Back at work today. The move is over, thank goodness. I am so glad to hear that Bella is ok Terri, it's great news. Have you finished all the unpacking?? I am still at it.


Well Josie as I expected did great. She has settled in beautifully. Angie did better than expected, has chewed some feathers but not as bad as I was fearing. I have a great place for them in the living room, they can see us from all angles and both seem to enjoy their new spots.


They are eating us out of house and hold, good sign hey....


Angie is getting out of her cage on her own, and yesterday even climbed down and started exploring the living room. Looks a bit scruffy but she is getting loads of attention and I hung a few new toys in her cage which she seems to be enjoying.


Just hope that she is ok today as I have been at home with them for a week after the move.


Thank you to everyone for the concerns and encouragement.

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Thanks for the update. We knew Josie would take it all in her stride, but I'm pleased to hear Angie wasn't as unsettled as you had expected her to be.hopefully she will settle well in the new surroundings, from what you say things do look positive, Let's hope they both take to their new home ;)

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I'm glad to hear they are taking their new home in stride, that is a good place for their cages to be where they can see anyone. They will continue to settle in and all will be well again in your new household, thanks for letting us know how things went and continue to update us as they settle in.:P

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