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The Evidence of the Move


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Just to show you what my poor Angie is doing to herself since we have started packing boxes for the move next week. She is not taking to this at all. We reassure, we make a fuss of her, give her all her favourite treats, to no avail. I am dreading taking her to our new house, this girl does not like change at all.


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Oh the poor baby. Hopefully she will settle down once you move and things stop being so frantic around her. I remember when I moved it was constant hustle for about a month before we left. I didnt have my greys then, but I can only imagine what must be going through Angies mind!


Don't you wish she could understand how much you love her, and care about her? The poor little pet :(

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Hi siobha9. I wish I could reassure her more than I am already doing, it's impossible though. She takes very badly to anything unusual around her. I pray that she will not take too long to settle down. Already planned exactly where her cage will be in the new house, in the entertainment, TV area just like it is now. That is where we are all the time and during the day I leave the radio or TV on for them when at work. Josie is still taking things as calmly as ever!! She is such a little "tart". Must tell you all the latest. When I get home in the afternoon I take the little dust pan and broom and clean up under their cages - whilst doing this I will look up at them and say "sis man, look at the mess". Well clever Josie has taken to this big time. She now sits in her cage and flicks her food out, peers down to look onto the floor and say "sis man, look the the mess". What can I do, be cross, no way!!!! It is the most adorable thing ever!!!!

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Awww poor Angie girl. Hopefully she'll settle down once you get moved. I really believe in the mean time this kind of thing is a personality difference - your Josie taking the move in stride versus Angie's stressful experience seems to really point that out.


Our house is now full of boxes and movement and the movers are coming tomorrow. As of yet, Bella is taking our move as one big adventure. She's enjoying all this paper that needs to be shred, climbing around on all the boxes and jumping up on things she didn't get to before. I can't keep up picking up the shreds of paper after her!


The big test comes today - I have to break down their cages and transition them to their travel cages. I've had these on the table across from their cages the past week and they've been playing on their travel cages during the day. So, I'm hoping this will ease the stress of me taking away their "home".


Tomorrow evening we'll be in a hotel with the entire menagerie :woohoo: And then after that at my daughter's house. My daughter has a lovely lanai and is looking forward to letting the birds enjoy it. I hope they do too and forget the move!!


Hang in there - this too will pass (hopefully :S )

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Thank you Nychsa. Good luck with your move. Bella and Josie seems to really enjoy all this, much more than we are!!!!


Our big move is in 6 days time. Cannot wait to get Angie to the other side and settled asap.


It seems like Bella is going to be just fine.


Please let me know how things have gone once you have settled in.

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Yeah that Bella seems to take everything in stride, nothing seems to faze her but now Angie is a different story and I hope once you get her settled in she does ok.


You seem to have one each on the broad spectrum of personalities, one that hates change and one that goes with the flow, but I think it will work itself out soon, 2Girls.:P

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Oh 2girls, I am so sorry to see this and am certain you are very upset.


Hopefully once the move is completed and things settle down, your Grey will be a happy camper again. Good luck on the move and don't stay off-line too long!!! :-)

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Thanks Danmcq. Don't mention me being upset, not sure who is stressing more about the feather chewing, Angie or myself :blush: Try very hard to not show it around her remain happy, singing away her favourite songs to her.


Only taking just over a week off from work as from Thursday, will be back soon and will let you all know how things are going.


Thank you all for your kind words and support.

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Hmm, singing - I play NYC dance music all day to keep me moving while I pack. I stop every now and then to do the "Jiggy dance" with the birdie babies and they beebop their little noggens up and down while I'm acting like a fool in front of them :laugh: Bella will flap her wings if you flap for her. Maybe Angie might like some dance music??

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:P Will try the dance music tonight, I will even try the Jiggy Dance. At least they never think of us as making fools of ourselves.


Well going home now. Will practice the Jiggy walking up the passage. Gosh I hope nobody is looking. :blush:

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judygram wrote:

Yeah that Bella seems to take everything in stride, nothing seems to faze her but now Angie is a different story and I hope once you get her settled in she does ok.


You seem to have one each on the broad spectrum of personalities, one that hates change and one that goes with the flow, but I think it will work itself out soon, 2Girls.:P



:laugh: Judy! Well, we'll see how easy going Bella was about this after this is all over!

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Good luck 2Girls, Angie probably feels the stress of the situation in everyone around her and she can't help but act out by chewing her feathers. Perhaps you could distract her a little from the situation by giving her more of her favorite treats and a new toy? I hope once things are back to normal she can settle back down and enjoy life again. I hope you enjoy your new house.

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Thank you all. I did buy her 2 new toys over the weekend. The one she is really enjoying. Today my last day at work and then the rest of the packing. Angie was out all night last night but boy does she eye the boxes around her. My child is sulking.

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Greetings everyone! We made it to Florida! 2Girls, I have no idea if your Josie is like my Bella, but if she is, Josie will be just fine. Bella has been the least worry of any of my four animal housemates:


Jiggy, my conure, was so FURIOUS about the whole situation he bit anyone and everyone and HARD!! :evil:


My greyhounds are totally out of sorts :huh: But Bella - she LOVES the car - loves to watch things go by - totally curious about everything. She enjoyed the new adventures, didn't mind the hotel at all, enjoys being pampered by my kids and seems to take just about everything in stride. I know this easy adjustment might be unusual, so I'm counting my lucky stars, but your Josie sounded like she has a similiar disposition to Bella - I hope she does so you only have one to worry about!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/30 02:20

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Well Terri and Bella are in Florida now, glad to hear Bella took the trip well, my Josey travels good also. Of course the conure would be the pain in the rear but I guess he will settle down now that he is there. Thanks for updating the moving situation with us and now to settle in.:P

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danmcq wrote:

Thats wonderful news Nychsa!!


It sounds like Jiggy is just making sure everyone knows, just because your in a "New Land" now, that it is still "ALL" his. :-)


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Dan!! Jiggy sure does believe everything he sees is HIS!


Everyone has taken to calling him "The little bastard" :whistle: We need to knock that off because my grand daughter came out of the room and said "little bastard wants to come out now" :huh:

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Thank you Judy, Tracy! I'm relieved Bella was so easy. The birds are with my kids this week as I haven't closed on my house yet (ugh!!) So I have the dogs with me in the hotel. I could have brought the birds as well, but we bought them such a nice gym that we put out on my daughter's lanai and the love it out there - they really seem to do well in this warm weather.


Hang in ther 2Girls! Will keep you all in my thoughts and lots of good wishes going your way!

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Yeah Terri you better nip that name calling in the bud or you will hear it when you don't wan't to from you know who:laugh: you can't help but laugh but if you she will pick it up right away.


I'll just bet they are enjoying that lanai, who wouldn't.:P

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judygram wrote:

Yeah Terri you better nip that name calling in the bud or you will hear it when you don't wan't to from you know who:laugh: you can't help but laugh but if you she will pick it up right away.


I'll just bet they are enjoying that lanai, who wouldn't.:P


Oy Judy - the lanai! I just got a call from my daughter - Bella is running her ragged! She's being a real devil, getting into everything, snapped my daughter's necklace in two, runs around chasing the beagle, wolf whistles at my son-in-law yikes!!! My daughter said "I had no idea she was such a mischief maker!!"

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