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Hi Guys...


I'm hearing some sneezes coming from Shani every now and then. I read the post about the health warnings, and it does say one or two sneezes a day is completely normal. but Shani is sneezing about once every two hours or so?


Should i be worried and take her to the vet?

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Hi Lupa,


Tough to tell for sure what you are observing w/o hearing or seeing it for ourselves. It is pretty normal for them to clear their nares several times a day. Sometimes they will do this more than others for various reasons. The nare clearing sounds very much like a sneeze as it is a quick burst of outward air. How many "sneezes" do you observe in a row? The nare clearing is usually 1 or 2 quick bursts and thats it for a bit (sometimes hours etc). How old is Shani? How long have you had her? My guess is that this is normal, but again w/o seeing or hearing its is difficult to assess. Are there any other signs of illness like lethargy, decreased appetite, labored breathing, weight loss etc? If you are very concerned there is no substitute for a vet visit even though more often than not it is unecessary. Hopefully others will weigh in with additional advice.

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Sometimes its just one burst sometimes two... and several times a day sounds right.


We have had her for about a week and she is around 4 months old. There isn't any discharge around the nostrils and eyes and she is eating and acting like normal.


I think I'm going to schedule a vet visit anyway, she hasn't been to the vet before so maybe a general check up isn't a bad idea...


Thanks :-)

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Sounds normal to me but a vet visit for a new grey is a good idea in any case. Do you/have you owned other birds? I only ask because often "new" owners to the bird world will think the nare clearing is a sneeze (which it is not) and suspect illness when it may be completely normal. ;) Keep us posted in any case. B)

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My partner has owned a CAG and he keeps telling me its normal, i just wanted to get a second opinion :whistle: maybe I'm just being a bit of a neurotic new mom, but i want to be sure when it comes to my baby :)

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It may very well be normal but since Shani has not been to see a vet then it may be a good idea to take her in, at least it will settle your mind and you will know if she is fine and healthy and then it will serve as a baseline for future visits.:P

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