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Out of the cage activitys ?


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Hi everyone i now have a little more time on my hands to spend with my grey ,has anyone got any ideas on how to spend that with him ?We do not have a play pen or stand so when hes out he is in my living room but all he wants to do is sit on my chest and peck my mouth ha ha not aggresivly or anything just wants to be in my face all the time ,dont get me wrong but it gets a little uncomfortable at times so im open to suggestions ? I do try introduce him to my kids toys etc but he just flys off when i bring anything near him so i am trying to keep him occupied a little more .

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Do you have any toys for him, if not you need to get something for him to play with. We have a few threads here that has lots of ideas for homemade toys and other items that make good grey toys. Just do a search with the words toys and see what comes up.


You will have to gradually introduce new things to him slowly and maybe play with them yourself to let him see that they are fun.

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Hi Mervyn,


Long time no hear! There are lots of things you can do to keep him amused. When I get them a new toy, I introduce it to them in the cage first. I put it in the furthest corner so they can see it for a while without touching it. Then once they are used to it, I let them play with it ONLY on the sofa. That way it is interesting and they want it!


Another idea would be trick training, you can do that on the kitchen table. You dont need a special stand or anything. One of my greys just love to sit on my chest and be cuddled all night long. She will push my hand if I stop stroking her to remind me to keep it up. The other one barely tolerates me and he plays with toys in the evening time.


I am sure lots of other members will have ideas too!



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Ye thanks siobhain my grey is the same he just wants to sit on my chest and have me stroke his head as soon as i stop he moves his head up lol .He has got loads of toys for his cage as i rotate them regulary but i never really thought about toys for outside the cage really to be honest i must search the forum for ideas .

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Now is the time to seriously think about a stand. They can be built from wood that can be obtained from a lumber yard or you can buy one. If you make one, it can be very simple. The only thing you'll use it for is putting your bird on it. He'll take to it quickly enough although not on the same day or two after getting it. You can also put a variety of toys on a stand.


"""so when hes out he is in my living room but all he wants to do is sit on my chest and peck my mouth ha ha not aggresivly or anything just wants to be in my face all the time ,dont get me wrong but it gets a little uncomfortable at times so im open to suggestions ? ""


My suggestion is that you should stop letting him peck at your mouth or face. That's an accident waiting to happen and it's not pleasant by any means. He might be young now but you don't know the percentage involved as to whether he will or won't bite, either by accident or on purpose.Nor you know how serious that bite will be.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/03/24 22:06

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Hi dave i totally agree with you and i am trying to stop him from doin it as sometimes he comes close up to my eyes with his beak i do of course move him away .With regards the play stand i dont have any pet shops near me that supply those sort of things they dont even sell parrots let alone parrot stands etc ,and trying to make a stand from wood i wouldnt know where to start with regards design etc .

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