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David Attenborough


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I'm a biiiiig fan of this guy and i have 'The Life' collection, wondering if anyone would know if Sir David has done any work of African Greys in his series?? I would be interested to see that, havent come across anything yet :( I've seen macaws in his series though

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you two never heard of sir david attenborough?? o.O he does documentaries on animals, really amazing guy, simply the best. I have The Life Of Birds, I sat and watched pretty much all of it, I may have missed some things. Just saw him comment on some amazons though, well Im pretty sure they were. Still looking for greys, eesh i'll have to watch everything! He did a bit on scarlet macaws, was so cool to see them in the wild :)


but judy and bmustee you must check out his work, being bird fans definately check out 'The Life of Birds'

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Yeah joe, he really does have a brilliant voice, its perfect for what he does.


He does a large part of Africa in 'The Life Of Mammals' There maybe some very small mention or sightings of greys there, i shall have to dig out my dvds and watch. I am so intrigued to watch them act and behave naturally.

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No not this week... its bloody cold though... I spent the day bringing in turf :( Not my favourite job.


Yes its a really incredible bird isnt it? The first time I saw it on Youtube I thought it was dubbed. But I have since seen it on TV and its the real deal!

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Oh Tracey, i think they may have been greenwinged macaws not scarlet he talks about, i have a rainforest book on scarlet macaws so that why they were in my mind. Big flock of them on a cliff, gorgeous! I am definately looking into a new parrot, though i couldnt house something as big as a macaw!

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