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Sudden Death with Grey


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Unfortunatly Easter Sunday was a sad day for us! Our African Grey Family parrot died suddenly with no signs of illness! Which was complete shock to the whole family!


There are two African greys in the same cage Shaku (15 years female, died) and

Raja (5 years male, still with us). Shaku loved my mum to bits and adored her Mum could do anything with her, however she was off with most of the Family members but some of us could handle her anyway! Yesterday my Mum Sat down to relax after cooking noticed that Shaku had fallen of her perch and was feet up on the bottom of the cage! After she realised that she wasnt moving or climbing back up the cage there was something very wrong! Mum went over to the cage saw she was breathing heavily and maybe hot and take her into a cooler room, but Shakus breathing still wouldnt stop panting! She tried to feed it water didnt drink! Also put it on table she was walking in a very drowsy way! My mum was obviously worried and held her open in her hands as she slowly began to stop moving! My father was desperatly trying to get hold of Vet! But in a few Minutes Shaku turned her head to the side wilst in my Mums open hands Squarked 3 times Spine Chillingly and past away!


This is a massive shock to the family! The parrot was showing she was fine strong in morning! Then in evening struggling to stay alive and died in 5 minutes! Obviously this is a tough time for all of us so no Autopsy will be done! However trying to get closure on issue! Just trying to think how she died that suddenly!


1. If Shaku died from Tefal poisoning then wouldnt have the other parrot Raja have the same symptoms and Dies too?

2. She had a heart Attack

3. Fell on bottom of Cage paniced and Gave herself a heart attack!

4. Had a stroke?

5. Poisoned from inside from one of the cage toys?


Obviously its a worry because we still have a Grey alive and dont want the same fate for him too!!!

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I would first like to say how sorry I am for your loss.


Without a necropcy there is no way to know what killed her, and with another grey in the house I would say you need to get one done. It sounds to me like it was some kind of poisoning because of just how sudden it was. I would think it was from vapors if there was cooking in the house right before her death. She may have been a little more sesitive to the fumes than your 5 year old, but this is just a guess...nothing more.


I really hope you change your mind on the necropcy, because the cost of it is worth knowing how to protect the life of your other grey.

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Chint my heart goes out to you, to lose a much loved pet in such a sudden way with no prior warning is devastating.




The symptons of Teflon poisoning would fit in with what you describe, clinical signs of illness are birds dropping off their perches or showing severe respiratory distress & death follows very shortly, if it was this then i would be at a loss as to why Raja did not suffer too..Please if you have any pans with Teflon coating replace them.I feel it wasn't from the toys either.In my personal opinion & i am not qualified in avian medicine,just knowledge i have gained, i would suspect it may have been a stroke, heart attack, or a cardiac arrythmia caused by arteriosclerosis.Atherosclerosis is a common disease in parrots. The disease is found in all parrots but is especially common in older African greys.The most common sign is sudden death.I hope that the necropsy will give you the answers you need.

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Oh it so so saddening to hear of your loss Chint. Shaku was surely a very loved family member.


As others suggested. It would be best to have a necropsy performed to determine the cause of death.


My heart goes out to you and your family. I can not imagine the deep pain you are all experiencing from this. :-(

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Chint, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of one of your beloved greys, how devastating for you but without the necropsy you will never know what was the cause and you really need to know for the safety of the other grey.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for help in dealing with your loss for I cannot imagine what you are going thru right now.

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My condoleces to you and your family for this loss. It must be very difficult to deal with particularly given the unexpected nature. I agree with others that you should consider a necropsy. The information you may be able to obtain regarding the cause of death may be critical to the health of your remaining Grey and any other birds you may keep in the future.


All the best to you in this difficult time. Please keep us posted.

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Oh Chint, I am so sorry about your loss. I lost a 15 year old eclectus suddenly right after christmas, so I understand how devastating it is. Please let us know what you find out about Shaku and what happened. My thoughts are with you and your family.

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So sorry for the lose of Shaku to you and your family. I do hope you have the test done if for no other reason then to know and protect Raja from the same fate. I know it will be tough to do to one you love, but perhaps you really need to for the survivors.

My first thought was teflon poisioning as well but don't know why Raja would not have been effected. Was your Mom cooking an Easter dinner at the time?

Perhaps not a toy for the same reason as then why would both birds not be effected?

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Thank you all for your kind words and advice! The whole family is hurting very

badly still! My Mum didnt want an Necropsy as didnt want to see loved one and

anymore pain of waiting! We buried her on Monday and sent our prayers with her!


I have advised of all precausions for the second greys safety/health to

my parents! I think the cause was more likely to have been Atheroclerosis

as lovemygreys has suggested :(


I have grown up with the Shaku since she was a baby and been with me

through out my childhood, she will always be loved and alive in our memories!



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I am so sorry for your loss of such a good friend. Words sometimes help, and it is our way of telling you we feel such sorrow for you and your family. We do not know your beloved friend, but we share the world of greys, and know how hard it must be for you. Time will only be the help for you, but try to remember how lucky he was to have had you in his too short life. The joy you both shared is what makes it a little softer at these times.

My heart goes out to you and yours.



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  • 8 months later...

My parakeet died suddenly on Sunday night and I've been doing research on Teflon poisoning. The fumes travel on air currents and if 2 birds are sitting next to each other, one bird may get hit and the other be fine. We cooked with Teflon for 5 years and Poppy (my parakeet) was fine, but this time he got hit by a bad air current. I definitely suggest you get rid of ALL teflon!

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