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Any suggestion Help!!!


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I have a wonderful very smart YCA the problem is that she's extreamly attached to me and everytime I leave the room she's in she screams and yells I guess it hits a nerve with the dogs I have 3 and they start barking and howling also I've tried contact whistles and that work for about 2 minates and then she starts screaming because she wants me back in the room where she is. Sometimes I take her with me but other times I just can't stop and pick her up and find a portable stand so so I can get done the things that need doing like when I wash the Kitchen floor I don't want her in the room with the smells of cleaners and things. I can't take the screaming and the howling and the barking all at the same time HELP Pat

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The only thing I know to do is ignore the bad behavior and try to give rewards for the good behavior.


I had a BCC once that would scream every time I got on the phone. So I would pick up the phone walk to his cage and when he yelled I would turn my back when he was sweet for a few minutes I would give him a treat.

He stopped screaming in about 2 months.


This habit can take months of consistency on your part to fix. If you are not consistent or keep switching how you handle the problem it well take even longer.


Find a solution that makes since to you and then stick to it no matter what.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/03/23 22:42

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Parrots make noise, that’s what they do. They communicate verbally as pets in the home. I would suggest to try & reverse the action you are doing now, the contact whistles/noises.Will all react to a scream by trying to console the parrot or interacting with them to minimize the noise. However, giving the parrot attention each time it screams is a common mistake i believe personally. If you are responding to your bird’s excessive screaming, even in a negative way (screaming at the bird) when, you are encouraging the loud behavior. By calling to your bird or reappearing in the bird’s room to react to your parrot’s noise, you are reinforcing the unwanted behavior by showing the bird it receives attention upon screaming.As difficult as it may be try not to call or go to your bird when it is continuously screaming. React only during a quiet break in the parrot’s vocalization,try & react to your parrots quieter behavior & not reinforce the screaming.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/03/23 22:44

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