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Jengo's vet visit (update #2)


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I took Jengo to the vet this morning. He actually did really well and didn't even make too much of a fuss when the vet took some blood with a syringe. This morning he was really slouching so that you couldn't see his legs and was pretty fluffed up and tired. All of the blood work actually turned out normal. To make a long story short, she said she could see he definately wasn't feeling well. I got some cherry flavored antibiotic to feed with a syringe every twelve hours and some supplement powder to put on the food. This evening he was a lot less fluffed and standing a bit straighter. He still hasn't eaten too much and is still pretty light. I did observe him crack some seed and eat it as well a veggi or two. So, there is some progress:) As per Doc's instructions, I have a red 25 watt bulb shining in his cage for extra heat and he really likes that. Now that I put him in his sleeping cage should I keep the lamp on or should I shut it off? I don't know if it will affect his sleep.


Sorry for the long read




Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/03/28 02:28<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/04/09 01:59

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Glad to hear that Jengo is feeling better and soon he will be back to his old self but the vet couldn't really find anything wrong, at least she put him on some kind of antibiotic for something is not quite right.


If you do find out anything more please let us know and keep us updated on his progress.

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Jengo just got done eating a good chunk out of a Granny Smith apple. Well, maybe he's not done. He took a break earlier and started eating again. Maybe he's on another break. He was really going at it like he been with out food and water for days! He just some more antibiotic squirted into his mouth. He is up to 336 grams. He was only 322 this morning! He still has a ways to get back to his 400 grams. I hope he keeps this up!

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The Doc called me today as she got the rest of the blood work from the lab. The earlier results were what they could do at the clinic. He still is not gaining weight. After the last visit she suggested feeding Jengo starchy foods. Pasta, Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal, etc.... He won't eat pasta or Oatmeal, but does like the Cream of Wheat. I'm still working on trying to get him to like the other foods. Anyway, she spoke with an expert avian person for our region out of Florida and that Doc was confident that he has some kind of parasite. So, tomorrow we will drive to the clinic in Mobile to get his new meds. One is a parasite killer, another is some stuff to mix with water to kill off yeast that may have built up in his intestines and some Pepto Bismol to help with inflammation. He still climbs around in his cage and explores the living room floor shredding his usual stuff. Not with the same enthusiasm as usual, but at least he is still somewhat active. Will post again when I know more.



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I'm surprised he won't eat pasta or oatmeal, Josey loves any kind of pasta but those would help to put on some weight.


Poor thing if he does have some kind of parasite but the meds should take care of that and then maybe he can get back the weight and be his old self again soon. Let us know when you find out more.

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Christoph I feed her both the dry and cooked pasta, she likes the dry in her bowl with her mix of seeds, nuts and legumes and she enjoys any kind of pasta like spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, lasagna or any pasta cooked. She gets cooked oatmeal with a little baby food veggie and some red palm oil mixed in for breakfast. You could also mix in a little unsweetened applesauce instead of the baby food to make it more appealing to him.


The dry pasta she might not be eating it as much as she just likes to crunch it, I usually give her the spiral kind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm proud to say that Jengo is getting back o his ole self again. He is maintaining weight a around 290 grams and slowly gaining. He was all the way down to 250 grams from his normal 400! He is starting to eat other foods besides his very favorite stuff. He has started to play with his toys again and he is clucking and chirping after a very quiet three weeks. He hasn't started talking again, but I'm sure that will come. His stool is still loose, but is starting to get some solidness to it. Thanks for all of the kind comments and advice!<br><br>Post edited by: christoph29, at: 2008/04/09 02:01

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They believed that he caught a parsite of some sort. I don't remember the names of the medicines. They gave first gave him an anit-biotic and some stuff to sprinkle on his food. He then got a aquirt of some other kind of medicine that was a one time thing. H also has a dewormer that gets mixed with his water and a squirt of another medicine every twelve hours that deals with yeast build up in the intestines. And some peptobismol every twelve hours to sooth his stomach.

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