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Moving and Grey-Peanut-Gallery Comments


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Greetings everyone!


I just need to take a break from packing and just say "hi" :) Moving is a bear!!!


Well, I was concerned Bella would get anxious about the excitement around here so I've been taking her from room to room with me to pack. Talk about non-stop commentary from the grey peanut gallery!! That girl has a comment for EVERYTHING! Aside from doing the wolf whistle any time she can't see me (I guess that's better then the house alarm which she got tired of doing I guess), she's now taking to chasing Jiggy around and she yells at him "beep beep beep beep" :laugh:


As for being anxious about the boxes and moving - not in the least - more stuff to play with. She loves that moving paper - tons of fun to tear up. Unfortunately anything I have she has to try to run off with. So, I've had to scrap my plan about letting her watch me pack and put her in her cage because she is just too unruly. That's when the comments start up - "what the hell", "beep beep beep", "Jiggyman", "Hi Doc" She jabbers so much I have to bring her back out and so we start the cycle all over again LOL!


I think she's hyper active, really LOL!


Well, I hope everyone is having a great weekend, and a wonderful holiday if you are celebrating.


How is your weekend going??




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LOL Judy - have to have a sense of humor around here! What else can you do when you're looking for your tape and you look around and see Bella making off with it! Speakingof the little devil, here she comes, taking aim at my pen and my Feng Shui book, and of course the occasional toe bite - she's such an odd little creature! She loves to nibble on my toes, and then she wants me to give her a head rub with my toes! You know, if she were a human, I'd say she has a thing for feet!


Well, I better get going and do some more packing or I'll regret it the day before the movers come. Maybe I'll give Bella a box full of paper to play in - that might keep her out of my hair for a while :blink:

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danmcq wrote:

Nychsa - Know that is a way to make packing and moving ALMOST an enjoyable experience. ;) B)


I love the Beep Beep Beep !!! :laugh:


LOL Dan, right as I read your post she ran off with my pencil and when I tried to get it away from her she pulled back so hard and squawked at me, she was sliding across the table as I was trying to get it away! I thought Greys were suppose to be shy about new things - she snatches everything! I think she's a clepto! Oy - that's it, she just put puncture marks into my moving docs - in the cage she goes but not before I put a couple of good rasberries on that little round belly of hers!

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LOL - Dayo will hang on to a Pen or Pencil as if he is fighting for his life, as I drag him sliding around the counter, desktop or even from a perch and he'll just hang there.


The only solution is to try and get him to take an Almond or Peanut. Even sometimes it ends up being a matter of who has the strongest will power. :-)

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That's hilarious!

Klaus is terrified of big boxes. We are re-doing my son's room and I'm doing a wainscot in there. The only way I could get the materials I wanted was to order on line. So, the other day when I was at work, FedEx brought the wainscot in 5 big boxes. My bro-in-law said that Klaus freaked out at those big boxes and didn't calm down until the scary things were carried down to the basement 'til we get the painting done and we're ready to install it.

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LOL Thanks everyone for sharing your grey humor with me.


Dan - that's exactly it - Bella will hang on as if her life depended on it and she squawks!!!! You'd think I was taking her to slaughter! She won't be disuaded either, she'll take any suplementary bribes and then head right back to the object I was attempting to get her attention off :blink: Poor Jiggy, he just wants to forage in peace and quiet and chirp and sing at the top of his lungs, but for some reason or another, Bella starts chasing after him (I think it's just for kicks and giggles) and then the "beep! beep! beep!" starts back up :woohoo:


Now see Laurie, I thought Bella might act like Klaus, but boxes, especially the big ones, are just another means to an end, namely to get up on the counter where she can go after my basekts (which she loves to chew on).


I think she likes playing chase and she's discovered that if she just does these random things I'll come chasing after her :S


Thanks for the good luck wishes Tracy! I'm trying! LOL


Thursday we drop all four critters off with my daughter :evil: :evil: :evil: And I get to rest!!

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