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Grey and a baby


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I have foound a local breeder who will have 3 baby greys for me to pick from. I will be aloowed to vist with them and choose which one i want and spend time with it as it s growing. I amhoping that will make it an easier transition to my home. The one thing I am wonfering about is i have jsut found out i am pregnant. I really do want to get the grey but I am worried about the timing. I will get the grey over the summer and im not due until early november. So the grey will have time with us before hand but i worry that when the baby is born there could be trouble. Do you guys think I should wait to get my grey?

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If this will be your first baby, You'll have a handful (memories, memories). The baby will need your complete attention from the very beginning. youreally don't know what your routine will be with the baby. I assume that your hubby works everyday too. So, there's only you and 2 babies. A baby grey needs lots of attention especially in the beginning. Your baby will need even more.

My opinion is to wait until the baby ids approx 7 to 9 mts old before getting the bird. By then, you'll know and have your new routine down pat and can make a better decision as to whether you want an animal in the house. There's loads of baby greys out there that are sold constantly. They'll always be there.

If you don't mind me being a bit more privte---if you will be breast feeding,a bird can accidently cause very minor infections on people through the hands and if you do what you have to do with a grey, it'll involve lots of handling of that bird because baby parrots need that on a constant basis. Sorry for being personal.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/03/22 21:25

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There was a great article in birdtalk this month about a woman that got a grey and then found out a baby was on the way. She said the grey ended up loving the baby and loved watching and mimicing it. You should check it out. If I was you, I think I would wait on it and maybe get a baby grey from the next clutch because of the major change in your life that is ahead of you.


btw, Congrats on the baby!

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