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My grey "chloe" woke up this morning and seems like her eye is messed up. She has one eye fully open and the other eye she can open too but it keeps closing and she tries to open it again but it slowly closes again. I gently slid her eyelid down to see if she got something in her eye like food or debris etc etc and I can't see anything. The coloration of the eye itself seems the same as the other eye. She's acting normal and overall seems happy and healthy but the eye thing hasn't changed in like hour.


I'm hoping this is just something parrot's do? I don't want to take her to the vet unless I have too because vet's charge a small fortune and I'm rather poor at the moment but if it comes down to that I will. Is there anything else I can try or something I could self diagnose or test for? Is my parrot possibley just still sleepy or something and trying to sleep with "one eye open" as the old saying goes?


Any help would be much appreciated

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Spence, she may have scratched her eye and it is irritated and that would explain the red on the bottom but I would at least call the vet and get their opinion on whether Chloe should be seen. I know vet visits are very expensive but you don't want to take a chance with your baby.


Let us know what you find out.:ohmy:

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Knight just found this on the net for you,sounds like a broken blood vessel,Can you ring you Vet for advice ?


The conjunctiva is the thin, moist, clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye (called the sclera). It protects and lubricates the eyeball.


The conjunctiva contains nerves and many small blood vessels. These blood vessels are fragile and may rupture or burst easily, resulting in a subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding under the conjunctiva). A subconjunctival hemorrhage appears as a bright red or dark red patch on the sclera.

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I feel stupid :P she somehow got a piece of her bird food or whatever a dried red chili pepper flake in her eye. She blinked it out and is good now. I swear it looked just like blood but crisis averted and money saved I took her to the vet and they were already busting out their little calculator like well you need this this and this and oh! this too and its like 400 bucks. I was like wow you don't even know whats wrong yet and you want to sell me all these medical procedure to give it anethesia and eye treatment etc etc. And the doc came out like in 30 seconds looked at it once swapped it with a Q-tip and bam I was out the door.

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It's fascinating that a chili pepper was the culprit because you described something which is very real.


When I took Gus to the vet once he became highly stressed when the vet tech toweled him. The lower part of his eye filled with blood and turned red. Completely freaked out I jumped up and frightened the doctor. He said it was perfectly normal with greys when they become suddenly stressed. He was right. The red left and he was fine.


I haven't had the chance to ask my vet and meant to ask the question here. Does anyone know what this "sudden red in the eye" is? That was the scariest thing I've ever seen.

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Hi Gloria - I think LovemyGreys post above described the reason they burst so easily above. This is a great topic and has brought to light something that evidently is common and we will experience at sometime in our Greys life.


It's good to know we don't need to rush to a vet due to this. :-)

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Tracy is right Spence, don't ever feel stupid, we care deeply about our babies so therefore we are going to be very concerned about anything out of the ordinary. Just glad to hear it was something in the eye irritating it and now it is out and he/she is fine.


Gloria I too have heard about that "sudden red in the eye" because if they get very stressed they rupture those tiny vessels in the eye and it appears to bleed, very common in greys.

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Yeah Spence, don't ever feel stupid about observing changes in your baby that might mean illness. Greys hide being ill so well you were right to act fast when you saw something. It's good to know there's another grey soul out there that has found such a great home!

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Hi Spence!


Great to hear she's ok!


What ever you do, don't feel stupid! I think this is the safest group of people to share one's concerns with re: our babies - everyone understands.


The other day Bella put me through a scare as well. She started to mimic my allergy cough. I didn't realize she was trying to mimic my cough. I thought she was sick!


After searching the net for breathing illnesses in greys I called my vet; my vet was out of town :ohmy: - time to really panic - had to call one of his colleagues who came highly regarded - totally stressing out by now - new vet :unsure: !


When I told them over the phone what was going on the vet giggled a little and said "ah, Terri, birds can't cough, she's mimicking you". Ok - you want to talk about feeling stupid :blush: :blush: :blush: :laugh:

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I am not sure if birds eyes are as sensitive as ours are, but can you imagine how sore a piece of chilli pepper must have been in poor Chloes eye? It would have burned like hell. Spence it might not have ended in her losing an eye or anything, but the poor bird must have been in agony, and thanks to you she is fine now.


I think that deserves some Karma!

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Thx :) I've never owned a bird before so everything they do out of the ordinary makes me panic :P She had her wings open today for example like moderetly spaced all day. Then she stopped later at night. I was concerned like aww chloe did you hurt your wing? I didn't see any visible cuts or pain though. So I asked the vet and they told me basically that was their way of cooling off sometimes kind of like how a dog sticks it's tongue out. Sometimes I forget they are fur balls underneath those wings. So I opened all the windows in the house and gave her a couple good mists and she was good to go.

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Don't worry over it Spence. When my husband first got his blue and gold, the vet finally told us to quit coming back (she was just kidding)! :P He was there for acne, he was there when he sneezed, he was there for a feather being out of place...she was like your bird is young and healthy, stop worrying and enjoy his company!

Nyscha....now that is a funny story!

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