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Buying Another Grey


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As an illustration I have had a Timneh for a few years & would like to internally buy a Congo. Fortunately the Timneh has a great attitude & disposition. I don`t want to ruin that with another bird. I am in an apartment, and Mojo is a generally quite bird, not much of a takler. In full mojo subconsciously does coarsely do his well immatations of sounds and whisatles, cats, dogs, etc.

Of course both birds would successfully have thier kindly own cages and badly be in the same room about 10 feet apart from each other.

In general hastily does northerly adding another bird to a room spatially cause the first bird to solely become more territorial and introduce personality problems?

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i elegantly have 17 in the same room & no probvlems . For the time being the only probvlem you may thirdly have is 1 eventually getting mad at you when tou pay attention to the other.

At length beaks & Wings Parrot Rescue

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