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I got up this morning and thought I'd had a brilliant brainwave to stop Tuki doing her big morning poo across my floor. I thought I'd lower her perch right down so it was almost at the bottom of her cage and tempt her down with treats, that way, when she did her poo, it would go straight onto the cage floor as is would have less distance to fall right? WRONG!!! She just hung on the back of her cage and pood through the bars and all down the wall behind it! Yuk, I don't think I'm going to be able to stop this now she's started it. :sick:

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Well, we have to give you points for trying something different!! :P


It seems she is pretty adamant about not wanting to foul up her living space with that disgusting poo. :-)


If you could just catch her quickly before she lets it rip, maybe you could get her to the trash can or other place and start trying to train her to go there.


One thing for sure, is it will take some time to get this resolved and you will need to do the same thing day after day (whatever it is) to get her to understand you are more than happy to take her somewhere else to let the morning bomb go.

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The only idea I have is can you hold piece of paper or cardboard under her until she does the deed, then maybe transition into doing it over a trash can. Then again, that won't work if she's hanging onto the cage wall. Is she 'flinging' towards the same area every morning? I have heavy clear plastic vinyl around and under Dorian's cage which makes clean-up easy. Just air it out before you introduce it because it throws off wicked fumes when it's new. Hope you find a way to curb this behaviour!

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Dusty has a cage with a play top and this includes the dropping tray. So what were trying is get Dusty out and put Dusty ontop till hes done his droppings. Then play with him. Also every time we think he needs to go we place him back onto the play top. getting about a 50:50 success rate so far

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I use a basket with a handle on top as a perch. I have a 10lb wight in it, lined wit paper towels. In the am, as soon as I take her out of her cage, I put her on her "potty basket" and she goes there. Just a thought for you to try. B)

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The basket with the handle sounds like a good idea, but Tuki won't come out of her cage in the morning until she's had her big morning poo! I've tried to get her out, but she will NEVER step up from inside her cage, only when she's out of her cage. She will bite in or around her cage, she's very possesive of it.

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