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One week to go...


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Boy, this takes forever this waitting to get him (been waitting 6 weeks now) but now we are down to SEVEN DAYS (no more week counts, woohoo). Tomorrow we move the bird cage into place and get it setup for his arrival. Last week I bought LOTS of toys (about $300) for him and setup a toy box, just hope it is enough to get him going :).


Also, thanks everyone for your comments on this site. I've read so much information to help prepare me for his arrival. Now all I can really do is wait and start learning from experience as knowledge can only take you so far. I don't think anyone can be prepared for the arrival of their first grey from what I've all read, but I'm trying to be as close as possiable.


Any last tips as we get everything ready and in place tomorrow?

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Woohoo Just 7 days left! That actually feels forever for me too and it is your bird! Wow $300 of toys! My first grey put up with cardboard boxes and chunks of wood my husband chopped for her as I was cleaned out with the cost of her and the cage :) Did her no harm though!


My last tips would be - have fun with him, 6 weeks is nothing when you will have him forever!

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I hate to break it to you but these last 7 days will be the longest of your life, waiting for that baby to come home but believe me the wait will be worth it.


You can read every word in this forum, every book on greys and as much of the information that you find out there on the internet but nothing really prepares you for that actual arrival, some things you just have to learn for yourself or wing it.


But we are here for you after you bring him home so if you have any questions all you have to do is ask.:)

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Thanks everyone.


Judy, that's what I was trying to say about as prepared as possiable but never ready :S .


I am sure that I will be on here with more posts as soon as I get him as that is when the really questions start.


In fact, here is a question...I get him Saturday morning but there is a huge pet expo on Saturday too that I would like to go to (I also have ferrets and saltwater fish). Would it be good to leave him alone for a couple of hours when I first get him home to go to this and let him have some quiet time in his new surrounds so he can get comfortable or should I be there so he doesn't feel abandonded on day one? They will have a huge parrot area as well so I would love to go and learn more.

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Imme, if you cannot wait to pick him up a couple of hours later then I think he may be ok with you gone a couple of hours. He needs a little time to settle into his cage but not more than a couple of hours. He needs to know you are around for he is going to be in a new situation, new home, new cage and with new people.


I don't blame you, I would not want to miss the pet expo either especially if there were bird stuff there also.


I can't wait until he comes home as I'm sure you can't either, sure will be a long week for you.:S

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I think a couple of hours on his own just looking around the room he is to live in might actually be a good thing. If you were home the temptation to either take him out, or sit in front of him in adoration, would probably be too great! If I were you I would collect him early and leave him alone to absorb the sights and sounds for a while. (But only a couple of hours - not all day!)

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I don't think I could be gone all day either (too excited and tempted to do like you say Siobha) but was thinking it would give him a chance to adjust and view his new surrounds like you said too.


Thanks guys. Oh, and congrats on your 10,000 post there Judygram.

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Imme I am so excited for you!!!! I think you are probably smart to bring the baby home and go ahead to the expo. I am quite sure I will be planted permanently in the same room with my baby for the first 48 hours she is home Hehehe Not necessarily right on top of her, of course, but where I can . . . how did someone else put it, gaze at her adoringly? Another MONTH to go . . . good thing it is going to be a busy month for me!

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I don't know how to change the title of one of my threads but didn't want to start a new one for this either. But I just wanted to share that now it will be 24 HOURS until I get my Grey, finally :woohoo: .

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10--oh my god! IT'S GONNA HAPPEN!!

9----did i do the right thing?

8---let me check my list

7----geez, what if he doesn't want it?

6---i have to be calm

5---Where's his little birdie bear?

4---is my poo poo blouse ironed?

3--my god, will he remember me?

2--let me double check his cage!

1--Oh no!! I'm getting nervous!! I gotta pee



What a minute,.... Damn it,I'm coming, I'm coming




SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squawk, cheep cheep.


PLOP---House warming gift!!!



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