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Bird Cage bound after clipping help!


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Ok, since my cag clipping (Last saturday) he has been pretty much cage bound.At first he came out a time or two but then he would run when he saw someone coming.Before his clipping he would boogie out of the cage as soon as you opened the door.In the last 3 days or so he just sits on his top most swing in his cage and is rarely vocal.I know that being non vocal can be a sign of sickness but Im watching him in hopes that hes just severly pissed. He has fallen a few times and he cant flutter very well since the bad clipping he received ( which I wont get into in this thread).I geuss I just want confirmation that he is really mad and not trusting his body anymore.Would that keep him from being vocal too though?He will only come out when i towel him. Then hell come down and sit and have a snack but the only thing he says too me me now is the fart noise whne i move to pet him or talk to him or when i leave the house hell say bye bye , I love you .. ( his usual).. should i just keep being persistant in getting him out and give him time to get use to his new sitauation or leave him alone and wait for him to come looking for attention?

Thanks in advance

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yeah he most likely doesnt trust himself, and maybe be a bit resentful? he is most likely very scared and nervous, keep an eye on him, make sure he doesnt become a plucker. i would say give him lots of attention, how would you feel if you were made impaired on freedom to move and then confined to a small space and suddenly been given no attention? u'd think you had done something wrong and feel isolated, give him lots of love, let him know he's done nothing wrong and that he can trust you to look after him, he is very dependent on you now.

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He is definitely upset, scared, unsure of himself and how he is going to get around now type of emotions/thoughts, not towards you though, inward. He will come around, but he's being very cautious until he over comes his fears right now.


If he will readily step up for you and let you hold him, he trusts you and the "Perch" you provide. Definitely spend out time with him if he will let you.


He just needs to get used to being "Crippled" right now and figure out his only way of transportation....walking and climbing or you carrying him.

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but he will only step up after i get him out of his cage.Before he would come on top of his cage and hollar for me.Now he runs in his cage when he thinks im going to pick him up.After i remove him from the safety of the cage he does step up for me and will sit with me around the house.I was just wondering if this is enough to keep him from being as vocal as before?

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They are usually vocal when they are happy campers. Right now, he is not such and will adjust to his flightlessness over time. His whole modus operandi changed and it will take some getting used to for him.


Just keep him out with you as you are and assure him everythings going to be ok and try playing with him etc. to get his mind off the change. :-)

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I'm a firm beleiver that if you talk to him and tell him he's still the same bird he's always been and just because he can't fly doesn't make him different explan to him that he doesent have to be afraid nobody there is going to attack him he doen't have to worry about a preditor swooping down on him and that you will always be there to protect him I'm sure he is very worried about not being able to get away fast enough without his wings, Its trully amazing how much they understand just try it Pat

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