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Ouch....just this once


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I'd like to bite her back. Nah, not really, but sort of. She got me good this time. She's tagged me in this same spot before but never broken the skin. I just didn't read her signals correctly...and to boot, she said "turkey" after she did it. I say that to her when she does something silly...little turkey. Grrrr...here's my mark left by my little turkey



I should have taken the picture right after the bite. You could see where the top part of the beak started...it was like a little triangle.

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Bit you? Said Turkey? Not unusual. After all, it IS Easter Sunday coming up. She just doesn't wanna be kept out the loop. The only true reason you should feel bad is if you're of the jewish faith. I'd say you have a true family bird which was socialized very well. Got any side dishes for her? maybe a knuckle? A soft piece of wrist?

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danmcq wrote:

OUCHHeather - You are an official "Officer" of the "Bite Me Club" now. YOu just got your colors. :pinch: B)


Geeeee thanks!!


I was going to say that it hurt my ego more than my hand but it's actually a little sore. Little turkey. I'm a little jumpy around her, I hope that doesn't last.


Dave, I'm only 1/2 Jewish if there is such a thing. Perhaps we'll have African Grey for our Easter Dinner. Ooooh bad joke. C'mere ya little turkey.....

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I was glad to read that was your hand!!! From the pick I thought it was your face! The far right side of the pic looked like the edge of a nose.


I got bite once by Elmo. Alcatraz, my male Owl finch, got out through the top door as usual and Elmo was sitting on the top of his cage. Alc dive bombed Elmo a few time and he went NUTS!!! It was light a switch was fliped. I reached up to grab him off the cage because I could tell he was out for blood and he got it. I had to towel him and put him in the bathtub till he chilled out and I got the finch back in the cage.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/03/22 05:33

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Berna, you should have let Elmo take his frustrations out on the Finch B) after all, it was the finch that was terrorizing him. Then you discipline Elmo, while the evil :evil: finch sits in his cage and snickers at poor Elmo. :P


Wheres the love????? hahahahahahaha :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/03/22 14:10

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I looked at your photo again. Just wanna make an observation.

By looking closely at the photo, it's extremely similar to a sexy tummy that has a belly buttom smiley. Today, digital cameras have much better creative abilities.

Since you're 1/2 jewish, that means that your great Passover is just around the corner so take those juicy side dishes,Bits of flesh, knuckles, bits of wrists, a litlle soft piece of cheek and put everything in a special Ziplok bag (air tight) and store in fridge. When the time comes, just microwave everything in one pot and mix together. Serve it to your bird. It'll be special so it needs a special name Homemade Fleshkabob. After a few days make sure you come back here and enter your special recipe in the food and diet room.

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oh that does look sore. It come with owning bird those are the hazards I've never been bit by my bigger birds (touch wood) but the littles one have drawn blood more then I care to mention I had a love bird that was sweet as pie and then all of a sudden would bite really hard and hold on till you screamed she thought it was funny until she got the 2hour time out in her cage every time she did it she learned don't bite mama Pat

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I don't know what's up with Harrison. She sounds like your love bird. She'll be sweet and we'll be playing or whatever and them whammo she bites. When she bites she strikes over and over and over. Very quick bites..sometimes I wonder if I handle her too much. Is that possible, to handle CAGs too much?

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danmcq wrote:

Berna, you should have let Elmo take his frustrations out on the Finch B) after all, it was the finch that was terrorizing him. Then you discipline Elmo, while the evil :evil: finch sits in his cage and snickers at poor Elmo. :P


Wheres the love????? hahahahahahaha :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/03/22 14:10


LOL...well, even though Elmo is my most expensive bird I'm not letting him have a $300 snack. Hahaha! I'm sure the finch was getting back at him for played "king kong" on the finch cage!

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