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need advice


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hi im new to this site. i have recently got a african grey.for the first few days when i got him back i just left him in his cage to settle in.then i started stroking him(and being biten).when he was happy with that and started clinbing on my hand,i took him out and played with him.after a few days of having him i noticed that his feet did not look right the inside back toe was facing forward and curled over the top of the foot.i looked at the other foot and the other inside toe of that foot was also bent forward but this one was bent under his foot,so that he is standing on it.the toe looks flat were its being stood on.i phoned the shop who asked to see him before i took him to see a vet.so after taking him up to the shop and leaving him there for the day.he said that my parrot has somthing called slip claw.and must of jumped on the purch to hard.he also said not to take him to the vets and to leave him.my parrot cant move these 2 toes and if i try to move them they are stiff.is there something called slip claw?is it something a parrot gets by landing on there purch? i think he had it when i got him but i cant prove this.i am making a vets appointment for next week.but just woundering if any one knows what this is?thanks

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Yes there is something called slip claw,Slip claw is when the rear toe is pointing forward along with the other three toes & is usually discovered when youngsters leave the nest for the first time & is something that has occurred during the development of the chick,so your grey never jumped on the perch !!I advise a vet's visit ASAP ;) To help your bird, the vet will probably use a thin strip of sticky tape to secure the toe to the leg, The bird will need this for a couple of weeks.

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Hello Mouse and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


Its possible he could have jumped on a perch too hard and injured himself but the other possibility might be it also. I have never heard of this before but then I am no expert either. He could have been that way from hatching or right after hatching, sometimes they get hurt by their parents or siblings.


When you took him back to the shop you bought him from why did they not want you to take him to see an avian vet? That sounds suspicious to me, only a vet could make a diagnosis of what is wrong with your grey if anything.


He does need a complete checkup by an avian vet anyway so go ahead and take him in and please let us know what is wrong with him.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your grey you would like to share with us we would love to see him.


BTW, what is his name and how old is he?

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thank you so much,i have been so worried about it.the shop said they phoned a friend that used to be a vet and that he said that the vet said about the purch thing.i could not have seen how he would have done it.for the first few days he did not move.and slept on the floor.there was anouther 5 chicks there and worried if they were deformed as well.i did not choose my parrot they just brought him in so i did not see them. i love my bird and worry about him if i think there is anything wrong.so thank you for repling so fast.:)

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he is coming up to 14 weeks old.they said if i took him to vets they would want to operate on him and this would probaly kill him.they said that when they had him there for the day he used his toe.but i have him ouy every day for about 3to4 hours and he has never used it.he has 1 toe on each foot facing back.also they said to give him sa 17 a cat/dog supplment is this ok for him?i will post some pics.nice to speek to people about my parrot. everyone else around me are not as keen on parrots as me.and are fed up of hearing about him.

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Welcome Mouse!!


It sounds like you are getting bad advice from the pet shop and in fact they don't seemed to know much about Parrots in general.


The advice you have received so far is totally wrong from these people. As Tracy indicated, take her to an Avian vet and they will address the issue and advise you properly. An Avian vet will not "Kill" your Grey.


It's odd the way the pet shop keeps telling you not to take your Grey to a vet. That's the first thing all new Parrots should have done for a wellness check-up and to establish a baseline and record at the Avian vets office.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your new baby. :-)

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my partner thinks they are tring to cover there self.there is to men running the shop and the first man said it was a deformity but he had to check with the other man first. and it was the other man who said about the perch injury. they also promised to send me a hatch c but i never received one.i know this is not that inportant but i would like to have it.i have photos of his feet on the day i got him but they are not very good.it upsets me because what ever happens i have to put him in a carrier.whilst im here does anyone know how to get my bird to stop grabbing my fingers and tring to get food out of them(that begging baby thing that they do,he holds on to my fingers)he gets very cross when no food comes out of my finger and bits harder!:)

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Hello and Welcome to our family. I agree, you are getting some bad advice. He needs to go to the vet, and NEVER use a dog/cat supplement on a bird. you need to find an avian vet before you try any home remedies. Please keep us posted, we care.

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