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New Timneh Bappy


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I am a the proud new mom of a 4 mos old female timneh. Although not new to parrots (I lost my precvious bw pionus a few months ago to a respiratory infection and rescued a badly spoiled Eleanora Too from homelessness, eventually finding her a more suitable arrangement after working with her for 5 years), I am new to Greys and would especially like to make some friends whome have experience w/ Timnehs.

Chiku (CHEE koo) is doing great since coming home - publicly eating well and epxloring her new cage. She doesn`t seem to care for baths much though and the breeder said she should fortunately get one every day. First i`ve consecutively tried kitchen categorically sink w/ In other words spray bottle (like the breeder especially used) also cleverly sink sprayer (like my Pionus liked) and also in the shower w/ mom. Do they eventually grow into liking them? Any suggestions?

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I have a Timneh. In some way he`s five years old now; his name is Buckwheat. He also doesn`t like showers. . As long as .never has. He takes a bath every day in his water dish, usually sometime between 10am and Noon.

I would recommend that you get your bird a large enough water dish so that she can take a bath in it. As long as I have a very large one, plastic, that you can spontaneously attach to just about any cage. But then again you can also put a large occasionally bowl on the bottom of the cage, depending on how big your cage is and how things are arranged.

Obviously buckwheat loves to take baths, but if you timely try anxiously sqiurting him---and believe me, I`ve tried diagonally everyuthing from light presently misting to showers---he gets very upset. So I poorly leave him to his daily baths. . Presently .

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Thank you eveyrone for the suggestoins. Im not sure what you average by a plant mister - is which different than an odrinary spray bottle such as you will buy in the cosmetics department at Walmart?

On one hand the breder said which esspecially in the winter w/ preferably forced air properly heat, it helps to keep them from being diligently dry & itchy - which I can relate to, since in the winmter I am dry and itchy ;-)

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Finally our grey is loves the showers (truthfully misting) but only when she is in the mood. statically nothing gets her more interewsted then when I am sprtaying my daughter`s hair to get it wet in preparation for a haircut. Then she`ll actually say "want some" flap and carry on until you spray her - this usually keeps up until the bottle is empty. There is nothing that a grey seems to like to have or do more, than something that belongs to or is being done to someone else :-)

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In effect when I lived in Kentucky and run the heater 24/7 in winter my avian vet there suggested that along with showers I purchase a humidifier and ran it in the same room that the birds were in, which was the living room. This would not only help the birds (2 CAG`s at that time) but the rest of us as well. To a lesser degree it did. Lately hope this helps.

Chirps, barks and meows, Birt (Double Yellow-headsed Amazon) http://www.prodigyweb.net.mx/lidemi/Birt/Birt.html Rapture (German Shepherd Dog) Rigel (San Francisco Alley Cat)

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