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Health Question--ADVICE PLEASE!!!


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Hi all. . .


. . .new to the community.


Signed up for one big reason.


My TAG will be 2 yrs. in May. My partner and I took her on a 3.5 hour car trip out-of-town for 2 days on Monday morning. When we left town, she seemed a bit bewildered in her cage. (possible motion sickness?)


Upon arrival, she hadn't eaten all morning. We dropped her off at a friends home, in a quiet room at about noon. We returned home at about 8pm.


I noticed that Gabby had possibly regurgitated some food or vomited--most likely vomit. There was caked pellet all over her beak, perch, and food bowl, as well as some vomitus on the wall. I immediately called the avian vet, and she said that, as long as Gabby was not displaying any other signs of sickness or distress (which she was not), I should simply monitor her and call if anything became worse.


That night, I placed the travel cage on the nightstand next to my resting head. She refused to perch. Instead, she would travel to the cage bottom and "chicken-scratch" for nearly an hour. During this time, I made several attempts to return her to her perch--to no avail. After about an hour, she gave up scratching and proceeded to fall asleep on the cage bottom. This alarmed me--I again called the vet. Once more, she insisted that, unless Gabby exhibited an unsteady gait, and had not been eating, I should simply monitor her.


I returned to the bedroom where I *finally* got Gabby to perch. We slept through the rest of the night.


The next morning, she was up and singing/talking. I stayed home--at this point, I was worried.


Later in the evening, Gabby "vomited" again. I called the vet, who said there still may not be reason to panic. She said that a visit may cost in upwards of $500 (NOT TO SAY that the bird isn't worth this amount--I'd gladly pay!) and that I should only bring her in if she was behaving in ways not-so-normal.


Gabby continued to eat her food on schedule. She sang a bit, but hadn't talked at all--which she rarely does in strange environments.


The car ride home that night was a late one--the cabin was dark. Gabby slept most of the time, but instead of perching, she clung tenaciously to the side of the cage. I'm guessing she does NOT like to travel by car.


Upon returning home, she ate like a pig--pellets, nutriberries and an apple/almond mash. No vomiting since then, 3/19/08. Her poop has now returned to its normal size and consistency.


The only thing that concerns me, however, is that last night, she seemed to have "reverted." She was making baby gurgling noises--the same ones she made when she was shipped to us as a baby. She is also making head bobbing movements upon the introduction of fingers to her beak--the movements that suggest food-begging.


Since the trip, she hasn't talked at all. She has whistled quite a bit. She is sleeping quite a bit, but is alert when addressed or offered chew toys/food.


Should I be concerned overall? Anyone else had like experiences? Please do share! I'm in absolute shambles!!!


P.S., a new bird has also just arrived in our home TODAY, 3/20/08. I suspect that this won't help things, but we've managed to pay due attention to our TAG baby girl! No one comes second to another here!


Kellie in Arizona

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