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Greys cuddley birds or no??


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I have read many articles saying that african greys are not cuddley birds but the day after ours arrived home she was snuggling into our necks and making us give her hugs and kisses?

I was wondering whether this was just due to CAG's being as individual as humans or ours just being a crazy little bird because she is too cuddley for only having her two weeks ????? teehee ^.^

I would Appreciate Yeppers or Nopes for your greys cuddleyness



DavE [MisterDavE] & Teresa [Nekkyousha]

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You don't say whether your grey is a baby but if it is thats most likely why it is cuddly right now. Some greys will stay cuddly and some will outgrow that trait. My grey never was particularly cuddly and as they mature and become more independent they don't like cuddling much anymore. You just may have one that does enjoy it more than most and she may or may not outgrow that soon so enjoy it while it lasts.:P

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yes she is a baby [oct 29th 2007]i do appologise :P

the thing that threw me off was that we got her off another family and she took to us pretty well.

ohh i hope she doesn't out grow it, it's the only nice thing i get from her apart from the occasional relieving sigh from her pooping on me, ohh its so yummy but she enjoys it i suppose :S


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nooooo i like cuddles the only thing outside of cuddles i get is her poop :( ahh well at least its pretty green poop :)

Pfft she is a great bird whether she is pooping cuddling or sqwauking [have no idea how to spell that word] so loud in my ear that it rings for a few seconds


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Well, if yours outgrows the cuddles mrdavE, I can assure you, they will more than make up for the cuddles with their antics and incredible sense of humor.


Just as our babies grow into teens and adults, so do Greys and you learn to appreciate their independence, personality, wit and humor. It's always great to watch a baby grow into who they are, with much of it being directly attributable to how you molded and trained them during their youthful years. :-)

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Well if she matures like i did, she will be immature for the rest of her parroty years,

another thing i would like to ask you all is that clëo used to be an absolute angel but for the past week maybe now she has became really disobedient for instance she refuses to step up quite often and if i'm trying to put her to bed i find this quite funny instead of stepping up she will lightly hop over my hand and totally ignore me like "no i'm not going to bed you can't make me" style. :S silly birdy



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Well if you don't "make" her then she is getting away with it, you need to be the parront and she the baby.


She is going to try you to see what she can get away with just like a child.


I'm sure she will be more mature than you will ever be, but then that is my opinion based on your info and I am pulling your leg but then maybe not, thats for you to figure out.:laugh: :woohoo: :P

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I don't think your parrot is being disobedient. Just growing up and finally getting tired of routines. Just like some birds will be cuddly for a while and the owner is thrilled doesn't mean that the parrot can't temporarily go a different route. They all do and it's something you have to learn to put up with. Ignore your bird for a couple of days and I guarantee you that the interest and affection will return cause they don't like being ignored and it'll be obvious. Greys are known to have different mood swings and trying to ease the problem with favorite seeds will only tell him/her that she only has to act moody and you'll come running over with some seeds. You asked about remaining cuddly. Rarely do greys remain cuddly and that has to do with their well known instinct to be independent. Doesn't mean they love you any less, just that he/she has other important things to think about. There's times when Greys like to be left alone as they grow up and the owner has to live through that phase. Try to correct or interfere with that phase and you'll eventually get bitten. Prepare yourself for a big change in personality by the time your parrot reaches 2 yrs old.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/03/21 18:40

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Clëo will definately be and is more mature than dave so i doubt you're pulling his leg :laugh: well when shes gotta go bed, shes gotta go bed, if it were upto her she would be flying around all night, takes a good few attempts but she finally steps up. just annoying when ive gotta rush out and she's hopping over my hand haha, shes too cute to be mad at :) well preparing ourselves for an independent clëo

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Klaus is just over a year and is still pretty much a "velcro" bird. Will not get off me when I'm home. Sometimes I wish he would mature a little faster - having a bird constantly stuck to you is a little tiring at times. I'll probably regret saying that, though, because the day will come he'll barely let me touch him and I'll miss cuddling!

So, that's not a "yes" or "no" answer, but I think each bird has its own personality.

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yea, i understand what you are saying vacuum cleaning or doing the dishes is a struggle with a BABY parrot trying to balance on your shoulder she is pretty diabolical as it is at balancing, although the little genius is learning to sleep on one foot everynow and then she does it quite well :) klaus is a kool name kinda like sandy klaus[nightmare before christmas] i used to love that film when i was younger.

hope the cuddles carry on :)


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I have one who cuddles and one who doesnt. My almost 2 year old will do anything to get me to cuddle her - Laurie's velcro bird is a good description of her! My almost 1 year old Oisin is independant and is happier to sit on a perch and hold conversations in baby language. (His speech at the moment consists of lots of kisses, Hello buddy and gabbling!)


Sometimes I feel sorry for Oisin because I think he isnt getting the same attention as Liath, but then again he wont tolerate the cuddles so there isnt a lot I can do about it :(

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Tyco isn't in the least bit cuddley he love's Kisses on his beak and has to have a kiss about three imes a day when he gets up inthe morning and after our playtime together and before she goes nite-nite other then that she will only allow me to rub her beak she doesent like to be touched in any other way once in a while she will let me give her a tine head scritch. I rescued Tyco About a year ago from a very bad home she was kept in a cage in a room by herself with a diry blanket over her a few peanuts to eat and her water was so dirty it didn't look like it had been changed in a week apparant the guy how had her was a crack head and head had her because his ex girlfriend left her there the year before so considering what this poor bird has gone through I feel very fortunate that she allows me in her lifew and loves me as much as she does she just turned 5 on Feb 28th and scince Ive had her she has learned so many words and phrases and she actually speaks in context and can hold a conversation pretty well the other night I was haveing my dinner she looked at me and said its good eh yum yum and i said yeah it good do you want some she said some pease there you go. so sweet who need cuddles when you have such a good friend Pat

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wow that is soo kool and really cute i can't wait for cleo to start talking and being like that, she is really tempremental at th moment with hugs.

she still hugs but at stupid times especially at bed time when she doesnt want to go night night.

she kisses too after kisses she makes a tut tut sound she has picked up its cute.

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klaus is a kool name kinda like sandy klaus[nightmare before christmas] i used to love that film when i was younger.

hope the cuddles carry on

Oooh, I love the Nightmare Before Christmas, too.

Klaus is actually named after Klaus Baudelaire from "A Series of Unfortunate Events."

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Klaus beaudelaire is a kool character to base your birdies name on, ours is cleopatra the egyptian queen and BuZZ[canary] either buzzard the animal because of his colourings or buzz lightyear :) haha.

we took clëo to my girlfriends mums today for a day out she had a little roaqst dinner for herself and she saw the family, we are trying to introduce her to others at an early age and get her used to being out and about.

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