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I think its so cool that she went to Bolivia! I wold love to see parrots flying around enjoying themselves. Listening to them all....*sighs*. I'm glad that you'll be able to see your little one. Hopefully you two can get something worked out for the next couple of weeks. :laugh: it would bewonderful to have a bunch of babies everywhere. wish i was close to a breeder like that....:woohoo:

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I'm late in posting too Fawkes. Congrats Smithie. Even though you have a long 12 week wait in front of you, you are doing the right thing. I had to wait 8 weeks myself and have done so much preparing in that time. Seriously, I don't know how people do it when they decide to buy one and take it home the same day. There is just so much to learn, get prepared, etc.

You will find this site to be a wealth of knowledge and very friendly people to help you out with any additional questions you have.


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Smithie, I have the same worries! What if Jenna never learns to love me like I love her? Ouch . . . She is willing to come to me, but she does not like to stay on my hand. She will take treats from my hand and play with toys with me, but she does not want me to handle her. She'll let me kiss her on her head, but she wants me to keep my hands away. It is pretty common for her to fly away from me after I've been playing with her for a few minutes. But she WILL let the breeder handle her and pet her and flip her over, so hopefully she will eventually get comfortable with me, too. I want her to be a flighted bird, but I am considering having her wings clipped when she first comes home until she gets used to me . . . I am SO conflicted about that, though! I'll talk to the breeder, she's back from Bolivia today

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Raposa, don't worry about Jenna being more comfortable with the breeder right now, after all she is feeding and taking care of her and she is going to favor her at the moment. But she will bond with you after you get her home and are with her every day, talking to her, feeding her and spending lots of quality time with her.:)


The wing clipping is a decision you will have to make for yourself but do talk to the breeder and get her opinion before you decide.:P

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Raposa, three weeks! I'm so jealous!:P I'm sure she will warm up to you.Like everyone is saying its probably the daily interaction that she gets with the breeder. Im going to go see Evolet tomorrow. She's big enough to start trying to walk around not. just over 1 month old. I hope she will let me play with her...

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How exciting!I too, am waiting for my TAG to come home. Mine just hatched on March 27th though, so he's a little younger than yours :) Best advice I can give is to read as much as you can. Read, read, and read some more. Ask a lot of questions. You have enough time to get a grasp on what you will need to know and understand about greys so you'll be very ready when the little one comes home :)

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Ashley you do have a wait for yours, just hatched on the 27th of this month but the wait will be worth it then you will have a lifetime of happiness together.


You give very good advice too, read, read and read some more and ask lots of questions.:P

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Ashley, wow the27t? that is a long time to wait! Im sure its all going to be worth it. I have the "for the love of greys" book. The poor thing has so many posties and highlighted parts it looks like one of my college books.:laugh: I hope that you get to see your little one a lot. i live about an hour and a half from mine.:(

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