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sat next to teresa saying don't help me, don't help me i will find it myself,

scouring with my eyes teresa gets annoyed and says click bloody forums so im like right game on.

then realise i have been on this page a few times and guess what the first thing was.

so here i am and me parroty. clëo [teresa gets ansy when i use the normal e] hahaha



hello children

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Hello DavE and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and your girlfriend here on this forum, I know you are going to love it here, Teresa does I'm sure.


You sound like quite the character DavE, are you as much fun to have around as it seems from your post, Teresa must be in stitches with you by her side day in and day out. I think I am going to like having you around.:P


When you can spare a few minutes read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


I think Teresa has already shared some pics of Cleo with us but you are free to add whatever photos you would like to share with us also. So join in the fun and mayhem.:laugh:

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I'm a character but it gets old fast trust me, i have had to put up with this idiot for 19years :)

i take all the good photos of clëo but Teresa steals them and claims them for herself {greedy}

but i will take secret photos and she will never know, i know this is a parrot website but i'll put pictures up of BuZZ too he is groovy.


oh thank you for the warm reception :) cheesey grin

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Honey, at 19 you don't know the meaning of old, trust me, at 57 I know old and you ain't it:laugh:


We welcome all the photos you would like to share with us, we have an other birds room where you can put pics of Buzz and we will see how groovy he really is.:lol:

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Ooooh i got all excited started writing how impressed i was someone else in the world used the word groovy and then guess who churped in not clëo but teresa saying i had said it and you were just repeating my phrase i was soo happy :( oww that sucks.

and now teresa is telling me i sound like a child on sweets

p.s. the old part was my sense of humour it becomes irritating and 57 isnt old silly :)


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Me and Teresa have became totally addicted to this site,

it's kinda sad :( but who cares we had a friend round last night to relax and have a beer with and all we did all night was sit with clëo [i was getting pooped on] and look at photos of evveryone elses greys.

I have just gotten out of the shower and oh look i'm back, the student life is hard :)



p.s. Cheers Dan[mcq] i'm guessing real name Dan?

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I just don't know how you can be so addicted to this site, it sure beats me but glad to hear you enjoy it so much:whistle:


Glad to hear you enjoy your grey especially the part where she poops all over you, thats the best part of all.:laugh: B) :P


Boy I tell ya someone would have to get up pretty early to pull the wool over your eyes, you got Dan's real name on the first try.:lol: :laugh: B)

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DavE - Tell your friends to get a Grey also, join this Forum, bring their laptops with wireless connections over, pass the beer out and have an African Grey Forums party. :-)


Then you can all laugh and chat on the forum together....even though you are all in the same room togther B)

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Judy you are just jealous of my genius mind <<see what i did there [got your name too] oooh im great, yea been pooped on three times in 1hour30mins :)


Dan i think that would be extremely geek and fun :) haha

but imagine the noise a room full of teenagers and teen birds? the greys would probably having the intellectual conversation about state affairs and politics and the teenagers just grunting as we do :P


FairY cheers :)



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