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This make me furious!


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Hi Guys. Just had to share this with you. Firstly this morning in our local newspaper under "Pets for Sale" I came accross an ad for a 3 year old CAG including cage. Curiuos as to why someone would want to sell their 3 year old, I phoned the number. Spoke to a guy who said that they decided that a CAG was not the right pet for them, that he finds them to be destructive, untrainable and a total waste of time. Can you believe it, I suppose he only divudlge this info to me because I told him I have 2 CAG's. I was so upset. I wish I could go over there and fetch the little one.


Then just a little while ago I was looking up something on the net and came accross this :


Our African grey did the same, had no feathers around its neck and looked more like a vulture than parrot. He had loads of freedom, loads of entertainment but i believe it is caused by stress, how ours got stressed i would not know. He once managed to fly away and the neighbours found him and returned him to us, they then asked us if we weren't ashamed to letting him fly around looking like that. I eventually gave him to a chap who bred them and he still does the same there. Even though he lives in a huge aviary in Jhburg. Must be the crime stressing him. I am glad he is gone he hated my husband and was so two-faced. Used to say good-morning in the sweetest little girl voice and when you removed his cover he would snap at you and shout go away, go awayyyyyy, go awayyyyyy in a piercing high-pitched voice. We did not buy him as a baby but as half-grown bird . Never want another parrot again even though he was entertaining.:))


This was posted by some female a few months ago. TWO-FACED!!!!!!!! This stupid female also lives in South Africa .... If I had her address, she would have to fear for her life right now.


Thanks for reading, I am trying to get rid of my frustration. Cannot believe how stupid some humans can be - and we are suppose to be the intelligent ones....

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I know this kind of thing really infuriates grey lovers and I personally cannot imagine giving away my babies BUT....


There are obviously a lot of people out there who didnt do their homework, and who simply werent prepared for the amount of time and effort it takes to keep a grey happy. And it must be VERY frustrating to have a bird that bites you and plucks all the time. Personally I would prefer to see people like these giving away or selling their greys, than keeping them and leaving them in a miserable life. I have a rescue bird, and while I could never imagine myself giving him away, I am very glad the previous owner couldnt handle him :)



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It is frustrating to see this type of attitude by non-committed pet owners of any type. These types of people are the ones that just take a Dog, cat, hamster or whatever pet they become frustrated and either take it out to the country and let it go, just let it outside to go somewhere else or "Best Case" try to find someone who truly wants that per and will work with it, love it regardless of it's "quirks" and stay committed to keeping it and adjusting the environment to facilitate it staying and being a family member at whatever socialization level it achieves.


Unfortunately, I believe that fully 80% of the population just considers them throw away items.... :angry:

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I agree these adverts make me cross as I'm sure they do all of us who own greys.Siobhan is correct that unfortunately people do not do their research before purchasing a grey or any other bird .They do not realize the lifetime commitment you must be prepared to undertake to own a grey.All to often looking through the ads i come across unwanted,unloved birds.If they had the birds welfare at heart they would sign them over to rescue centres & loving homes could be found but more often than not they want to get back some of the money they have laid out.i know only to well being involved with rescue work the amount of umwanted greys there are out there :(

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I agree with you guys. Was just so upset and frustrated this morning after speaking to the arrogant fellow. And to top it off the post on the internet from the woman who called her CAG two-faced.


I sometimes also get dispondent with Angie who feather chews, never angry tough, but I took her in at 8 weeks and she is part of my every day life and I love her dearly. Josie might be the looker but Angie has the personality.



All I wish for is that breeders stop breeding CAG's as a money making business and be more selective and much, much more informative when selling them. I personally know of a few breeders who cannot be bothered to whom they sell their babies, as long as the money flows in, and this is what results in people buying a bird with no idea of the time, patience, efforts in raising them.

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Your right 2Girls. Unfortunately though, the number of breeders of all types of pets that are in it for the $$$ are far greater than the number that due it out of love for the breed and also ensure the people they consider selling to are "Good Candidates".


Thus the need for rescues like most of us are and participate in.

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I share your sentiments 2Girls, Tracy, Dan and Siobhan, this kind of crap makes me ill:sick: some people just don't get it. And describing greys as "two-faced" that is ridiculous, it is that stupid owner that fits that bill. People like that are why we find it so necessary to have these rescues because people don't want to do their homework and they just want animals as trophies and not as a loving companion. Just makes me sick:angry:

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:angry: That poor bird = why someone would want to just give up there pet, any pet makes me sick. Most of this comes from someone wanting something because their friend had it or because they saw a famous person with it, then they get it and suddenly the fad dies out and they just toss it to the side. It's just so disturbing. These people should realize that animals are living things and having feelings and needs just like we do. = I wish I could drive up to that guys house selling his grey, smack the S*i* out of him and take the bird and give him a better life. This is why pet stores and breeders should screen who they are selling their animal to and make sure they are able to handle the pet. All they have to do is ask them a series of quick questions, not about their home or personalities (though this is still good to do) but about the animal they are buying. If they can't answer care questions and things they should know about having the animal then obviously they are not ready for it. Grr Melanie Angry! :angry:

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That makes me un-happy silly human,

should have got the grey to try and train her, maybe the grey knew compassion...

stooopid stooopid people, Obvoiously the grey may have known these phrases and had a small understanding of what they meant but honestly now how can a grey be two faced?? unless it was some mutated lil birdy with two heads?

Greys are definately for life and not just throw away, i have became so attached to our parrot in such a short time its un-believable how people can be so detatched to them :(


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I can't believe people like that. I knew what I was getting into when I got Elmo, and I never want to spend a day without him. How people can blame the animal for a bad behavior and not take any ownership in it is beyond me.


When I started looking for a grey I first called a local rescue center ans was suprised to hear that they didn't have any. The lady that ran the place told me about a breeder friend of hers and that he had a few babies but it was not garenteed that he would sell me one. She called him and then he called me, and when I went over to his home I must have talked with him for a good hour before he even showed me the baby greys. If all breeders would do this there would be far less parrots in horrible homes. At the pet store I have people all the time wanting a parot for the novelty of a talking pet. Needlessly to say I tell these people that not every parrot will talk and that you should concider yourself lucky if you have one that does. Most of these people are much less interested in getting a parrot after I tell them the CAG's we sell are $1,100, B&G's are $1,200, and the cockatoo's are $1,700. I know a lot of people complain about how much a parrot can cost, but if that keeps someone that may not take parrot ownership as a 100% commitment then a higher price is fine with me.

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It is really sad how people can just get rid of their pets this way. I was on another forum and a lady advertised her grey for sale because he wouldnt talk!!! He was good natured, loving, never had any probs with him yet she didnt want him because he didnt entertain her! She said this was the only reason she bought him. Think its a good job she wasnt a member of this forum. I hope he finds a good loving home ;)

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God, I hate people that get birds because they talk. I've given a number of dirty looks to people that say they wouldn't want a bird that won't talk. I love Elmo and even though he is a real talker now, I was happy when he didn't talk and would still be happy if he still didn't talk.

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Thank you for all your replies to this topic. I fully agree, it makes me mad when people go out and buy a parrot purely for their own entertainment because they can talk. I guarantee you that is why so many people want to get rid of their birds because they are dissapointed when they do not turn out to be great talkers, and guess what to all those stupid people out there, if you do not give your Grey enough attention, affection, proper nutrition, it will not only lack in speech but also in their amazing loveable nature. A Grey is not something you can stick in a cage purely for amusement!!! They are children.

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I'm South African and would just like to say that unfortunately there are many people just like that stupid woman here! And i have had a good yell at a few of them! It makes me really mad too! People are uneducated when it comes to there pets needs and dont understand the care and love that goes into caring for a grey. Alot (not all) of the people i know are surprised that i even let Shani out of her cage.


I am just very grateful that i came across this resource because i was battling to find people who knew enough to be able to answer my questions.


Thanks guys!

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Hi Lupa


I also live in South Africa, and the post I read was in our local news paper. This forum has assited me so much you have no idea. I go on it daily to read all the new posts. I am not running our country down but I think most people that buy CAG's in this country are totally clueless. I know of people who have been feeding their Greys only sunflower seeds and water for years, that is all a Grey needs.....???? Secondly, Greys are sold much too young in SA, with this come behaviour problems, etc. A lot of people are amazed about the fact that my babies have veg, fruit, egg, chicken, and only little sunflower. I wish we could start some form of educational assistance for 1st time Grey owners in this country.

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Well i was amazed when the pet store owner told me that Shani eats apples and seeds and thats it... they had been feeding her pigeon mix soaked in water with an apple every week for the past 3 months and she is only 4 months old. She is adjusting really well to her new diet tho :) .


I really do want to do something to help new Grey owners and the local pet shops, even if it is just directing them to this site to do some reading. As a new mom it really has been such a help!


I'm actually originally from East London, 2Girls, very nice to meet you :-)

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Nice meeting you too Lupa. If you have any idea how we can assist new owners, let me know. I have recommended this forum to a lot of people I know. Hopefully they will use the info so readily available here.


We have you moved to?

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