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Two Grey's a bad idea?


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I was chit chatting with folks I work with and the subject came up about me getting another Grey. They immediately started to jump on me about how it's a terrible idea and my Grey will become mean and hate me. They said having two of them is the worst idea and if I were to get another I would have to keep them in separate rooms. My mom had come to me the other night and said she wants to get Kika a friend, not to breed but just so she has someone and I got soo psyched about this and was going to post on here to see if anyone would have a Grey available within the next month or two. Now I am terrified my Grey loves me and she loves to snuggle and give kisses and she is great and now I am feeling like no one should ever have two grey's which is dumb. I guess what I am asking is..is this true? Should I put the idea of getting another grey out of my head? :( Thank you all for your help.

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No it's not true. I know several couples who have multiple greys. And theres even members on here that have multiple greys in the same enclosure. i think the member "ilovemygreys" has like 3-4 in one big big aviary size cage. Don't quote me on that though. I know they CAN get along and quite usually do. But not ALL get along. So be prepared to have seperate cages for them if they fight or scare each other but I think if both birds are even "Reasonably" tame and nice you will have 0 problems. Hope this helps

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They are telling me that my grey and the other one I will get will not want anything to do with me. That when you have more than one they just bond with each other and pay no attention to the human anymore. I don't want this to happen. I want her to still love me and come to me and come out and snuggle with me. = I want another Grey but I am not willing to give up the love I have with Kika.

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I know of a few people with multiple greys, and they don't have problems. The birds are bonded to their people instead of each other. I'm sure there probably are greys who get on better with each other than with humans, but it's not a sure thing.


When I adopted Nikko, the rescue told me that greys often like to have a second grey around. It's something I will consider in the future. I can't really see Nikko deciding she doesn't like us anymore just because she has a new grey friend.

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I didn't think that would happen with Kika either. I kept saying but she loves me. I thought her having another Grey would just make her happier. The idea of getting another is still in my mind and I definitely do want another one. They also said even getting a quaker and having it in the same room could cause her to not like me anymore either. I am starting to think people at my job don't know what they are talking about..maybe it is a good thing I am leaving on Saturday.

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Well we have made the decision to get another grey as company for our boy. We get the new one tomorrow, so I will let you know how it goes. Our one at the moment is bonded to me and lets me do anything with him. I am not afraid that he might hate me just because we have another bird. What I will do is make sure I do everything first for my boy and then attend to the other grey. We all met the new bird about a month ago and our grey sat on my hand and looked at her and I assured him that he is my number one boy. We have also had another cage in the house for about a month now and I know this sounds weird but I go over to the cage and start talking as though there is another bird in there, so that our grey can hear me and gets used to it before she arrives.

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I have 2 greys, I got the second one about a year after the first, but I got him for my husband not my first grey. As it turned out the greys tolerate each other reasonably well. They like to preen each other for a while, and then they like to separate. I have them caged separately but I let them out together. The greys are both still bonded to the humans, and sort of bonded to each other.


What I am saying is getting a second grey to keep the first one company might not work! I have a friend with 2 greys who HATE each other :( . If you want a second grey, get one for you, not for your first grey.


This being said, they do keep each other company by talking to each other when they are in their cages. I dont feel so bad leaving the house because I know they can chat to each other... and this I find funny, they chat to each other in English not in birdy language!



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greys all have different personlilities and there is no gaurantee they will like each other, be fully prepared for this! dont neglect the second grey cuz your bonded grey doesnt like him/her. perhaps let kika meet the second grey a few times beforehand, and remember they can bond with each other down the line, like it took time for your grey to trust and bond with you. the only problems they say can happen with two greys is that they may talk less, but ive seen many situations where this isnt true at all!! once again down to the grey, think carefully about this! cuz i know if i got another grey and Clëo didnt like him/her, then i would have to try really hard to equal my interaction with them cuz Clëo will forever be my number one. Because of this, i know im not ready yet and im going to wait a year or so.

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This topic has come up before and the bottom line is, it is dependent upon the Greys personality. No one can say what the outcome will be, until they have been around each other a while.


The possible outcomes are:


1) If opposite sexes, they could "pair up" at some point and you would become the outsider.


2) If opposite sexes, they could "pair up" at some point and you would just become a little less appreciated than before.


3) They could just be friends and get along with each other and maintain their ultimate love for you as their "cuddle Muffin"


3) They could be friends, preening, playing and desiring to be together more than with you.


4) They could "Hate" each other and only be allowed out at separate times or far away from one another.


The bottom line is, there is no absolute in this matter. If people try to tell you one thing or another will happen 100% of the time. They have let old wives tales fill their mind with rubbish and you can tell them "DanMcQ" called them morons. B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/03/20 13:55

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Dan is correct in what he said, there is no 100 % guarantee & it will come down to the greys individual personalities .If you are prepared to have 2 cages etc.. then yes by all means get a second grey,but be prepared for all outcomes,they may get on, they may not,they may learn to tolerate eachother,they may bond & push you out,they may hate eachother, you might have to allow them time out of their cages seperately,Yes im lucky that i have 4 but they live in a big room,they have space to be alone if desired ,my 2 boys are bonded to eachother,all 4 are tame but that takes consistent hard work on my part by interacting with them everyday to retain that.

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i have 2 greys which get on very well at first they were in two different cages but now they both live in the same big cage and they both loved to be cuddle up to me i always give freddie cuddles first as she was the first one i had then i give barney his time with me

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