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Ah wow!!!!


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Well she has a habit of trying to grab your zip or something and has to lean very far falling on her side in the process lol, at that point i cup my hand under her everytime she does this and support her a little bit whilst she's busy chewing away at my zip. my bf did it and this time got her to let go, though she then became interested in chewing his watch, but whilst she was distracted i dont think she really noticed she was suspended in mid air on her back! haha. :laugh: sooo happy

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Your right Nekkyousha , if you keep encouraging that behaviour she will be flipping on her back just for the joy and fun of it. It does not take them long to get used to something like that, as long as you do it gently and let them determine how long they wish to stay in that position. Your doing great!! :-)

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well she's not 100% comfortable with it yet so if you move your hand a little bit and she feels unsafe, she very well goes for a nip!


DUKEdevils36, most greys when they're playing, can swing around on their perch, mine swings and flips herself around her rope, the moment they do this, very gently put your hand underneath him/her and support the weight ;):) the moment ur grey wants ur come back up let them do so.


be prepared for a nip if they do feel unsafe, remember they've got no support for themselves when doing this and have to rely solely on you not dropping him/her. They will also most likely bite when getting back up, because they need to hold onto something to hoist up their bodyweight. :laugh:


you should try it, one step at a time, i felt so trusted when she just lay there.

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