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hello all, my parrot (AG) had an abces yesterday that was opened just above his beak, now pus is getting out a hole there... I know a pharmacist that can deliver me some antibiotics (I`ve read that clindamycine is very good) but don`t know the right dose nor the way I could give my parrot those antibiotics, can someone help me?

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Have you cultured the wound to determine the specific microbe? Done a sensitivity to see which antimicrobial drug will destroy it without causing other problems (such as cause resistance issues)? Are you familiar with proper dosage of the specific antimicrobial to the abcess so you don`t make the problem worse? If you can`t answer these questions exactly then you have no business treating it yourself.

Yes, someone can help you - an avian vet. I assume you are not in the US by your address, and I`m not familiar with vets in other countries. If you don`t have an avian vet, find a small animal or exotics vet that is willing to consult with a vet school or avian vet elsewhere. Most vets can at least do a C&S, then work long-distance with a peer knowledgeable in avian-specific medicine to determine how to best treat your bird. It isn`t the ideal situation but would be preferable than you using the wrong dosage or the wrong drug to begin with and causing much worse problems for your bird - and skewing future culture results in the process, should you later decide to take your bird to a professional.

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well I couldn`t anser those questions, because I don`t have to answer them, I have yet a lot of experience in using antibiotics, so I know this is the best working antibiotic with a very low degree of resistance, I don`t have to tell you the usual bacteria in abcesses, these are commonly known and studies gave us yet those antibiograms in which the several antibiotics were tested... my question was just -I lost the study with the Ab-doses- if anyone could give me that dose... but I`ll think it`s indeed faster just picking up the phone and call the nearest avian vet... (only 5km away..)

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use baytril 100 at between .015mg and .02mg per gram of body weight this can either be injected under the skin in the inside of the upper leg or mixed with equal amounts of grape or apple juice and given orally. your best bet is to take him to a good avian vet.

Beaks & Wings Parrot Rescue

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