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Walk Abouts


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Harley was either in or on top (there's another perch with cupholders on top) of her cage when she first came home with us. Of course, she can climb down off the cage and do a walk about so we had to monitor her excursions. Then we got the rolling perch which has several perches she can step up or down on but she can't get onto the floor from the rolling perch.


Watching birds outside, they perch in trees but walk around on the ground. I'm thinking that Harley needs to have monitored walk abouts so that her feet aren't always wrapped around a perch and they get some stretching. Am I right or wrong? She does love to explore but more importantly, her foot health is important to me.


Sorry if this has been covered previously, but I couldn't find it when I did a search.

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Some of the members greys love to walk around on the floor and some don't like the feel of being on the floor, maybe it is just thats its so low and they like being high up. I have also seen some of the members post pics that showed a ladder from the floor to the cage door opening so they can climb down and back up to the cage so they can come and go at their leisure.


I get my Josey out on the floor from time to time and play with her on the floor and sometimes she sits on my shoulder or my leg and that is having the talons in a different position than around a perch. But yes it is important to vary the perches and such so that they have different positions to have their feet in.

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Elmo will run around on the floor sometimes (he likes to walk into the bathroom and talk to himself) and he also hangs out on the bed with me...both give him a change for his feet. If Harley likes to explore the floor from time to time let him do it just for the fun of it, with the added bonus of foot health.

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Thanks, everyone. I think she needs some floor time too just to at least stretch the foot. She does have different size perches so that's a good thing.


About the kitty gack, yeah, I have 4, so a day without kitty barf is like a day without sunshine. And you gotta love that noise they make before they do it.....unless you don't hear it and step in it on your way to the bathroom at night. LOL BMustee.


Thanks again.

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pegn53 wrote:

a day without kitty barf is like a day without sunshine. quote]



ROTFL!!! So true, so true! I have 3 and one is 19 years old, and she is a barfing fool. She always starts crying right before the noise...oh god the noise!!! Makes me cringe because I know what I'm going to have to go pick up. :sick: Sometimes I can find her first before she starts and I can put her on a newspaper of something to make clean-up less gross!


We have gone from parrot foot health to barf...there really is a 6 degree separation from everything!:lol: :silly: :pinch:<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/03/19 18:29

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Funny stories - my cat is still fairly young (8 yrs) and not a barfer. Knock on wood!

Klaus gets on the floor from time to time. My husband and son will rush to pick him up (rolling my eyes) but I just let him toddle about a little bit. It's good for him to do something different sometimes!

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I think most of us are multi species households so we're going to know about members' non avian species too. I was interested in how my household would adapt to a bird, but my old, old cats just don't care. In fact, if Sis is sitting in the chair holding Harley (Harley curls into the crook of Sis' arm and rests her beak against my sister's cheek or nose while she's being petted), there will be one or two cats up there too. They all get along.


If Harley walks around, the dogs will follow and sniff, but don't bother her. The older dog (13) will, however, jump at her if she happens to do something sudden like fly and crash and I go to pick her up. She doesn't try to hurt her, she just gets excited, but trust me, I'm faster than that old dog at getting to Harley. She's *very* closely supervised when out of her cage so it's only happened a couple of times.


I've always felt honored that something as fragile and delicate as a bird trusts me enough to hold and touch them. When I had cockatiels I just loved them.

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judygram wrote:

Laurie wrote:
my cat is still fairly young (8 yrs) and not a barfer. Knock on wood!



Yet, but you just wait:sick: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



Ohhh yeah, you will know the horrors of "the noise" before you know it. MUHahahahaha


My Angel is 19 years old, Smitty is 12, and Kitty is 3. Smitty and Kitty never really barf, but Angel is like a barf fountain!

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I know, I try not to get up at all!!! LOL!!!


I'm telling ya', every time this cat eats she's barfing something up. I think she thinks she's a cow because half the time she barfs it up and then starts in for seconds...if you know what I mean.:sick: :sick: :sick:

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I tried not to word it too nasty.:evil: :pinch: :laugh:


I really wish I could say that was as gross as it got at my house, but unfortunatly it gets much worse when it comes to my dads nasty dogs!!!:sick: :sick: :sick: I won't even go there!!! Hahahaha!!! Too much for even me!:S :sick: :P

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Thank you Berna for at least that much:laugh:


Siobhan, yes this started as a grey exploring its new home thread but it kind of got sidetracked off topic for some odd reason, I don't know how that could have happened.:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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WOW! I was gonna post here, but this is too much information for me to handle. :pinch: :sick: :sick:


Anyways, Talon loves to walk around on the floor, but only if I get down there with her so she feels safe. I have a cat and a dog that I don't trust. (they like to play alot) So I limit her floor time, but she gets lots of time to walk around the furniture, and my bed!

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The cats don't care about Elmo...the dogs are scared of him!!:woohoo: One time Elmo nipped Uggy on the tip of her tail and she went running out of the room yelping. No, Elmo didn't hurt her...he does it to the cats all the time and they don't care. Uggy is just a nancy dog.:laugh: The other one probably knows Elmo could eat her, so she runs too. Elmo loves to run around on the floor and use everything he can as a rock wall.

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LOL!! Lovely!! I know that noise all to well, seeing as I have three barf bags here!!


Roxy my dog is way smaller thatn fawkes..when fawkes comes out to the floor Roxy gets kenneled for her safety. The cats stare at her in interest but if I say their names the take of to their naughty spot (behind the couch)

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